A look at Wilson Street
A new development is proposed for Wilson Street in Ballarat East. It’s for a staged subdivision, first stage is for 39 lots, some of these blocks may be subdivided further, however another application would be required. Best way to describe this area is to show you.
PLEASE NOTE: Council officers have decided to extend advertising period for 809 Wilson Street as they realised that the signage was inadequate, you now have until Monday 20th to get your objections in… thanks council.
Here are some images of the proposed development site, some images opposite the development site (objection letters due anytime prior to the planning officers making a decision – or ASAP). Locals reckon its over-development, doesn’t respect neighbourhood character and is in direct opposition to the overlays which protect this area (vegetation, environment [koala] and bushfire). This block is described as ‘fire prone’ and ‘potentially flood prone’ on the City of Ballarat website. More info here.
What do you thing? The proposed development stretches from Wilson St to Long St, all the way to Canadian State Forest. Here is the area in pictures:

View of proposed site for development

Long St, a dirt track beside a state forest

The proposed site from Wilson St

Long St is clearly a conservation zone

More views of proposed site from Long St

More views Opposite on Long St

The proposed development from long st
Great photos of the beautiful bush up there!!
Lovely photos of our native bush.