Mar 3

At it again at 213

Just when we thought the developer had done all they could – A new planning application has been advertised for 213 Fussell Street PLP/2012/48.

When 213 Fussell went to VCAT in 2010, the developers were quick off the mark and got through with 52 blocks because the subdivision was less than 60 blocks. More than 60 blocks and they would have had to have been near an activity centre eg. shops, childcare, small business. Well they got their 52 blocks and now they are wanting to chop up the blocks even further, my maths says they will end up with more than 60 now but its already there.

This week the Ballarat Council advertised its Activity Centre Strategy and there is no Activity Centre Proposed for Ballarat East. thats fine and dandy, just make sure that the number of homes in this area isn’t overdeveloped.

This new application at 213 is right on the waterway and it is an area that has been flooded frequently.  We want our council to refuse this further subdivision of this original subdivision of 52 blocks.  It was already decided at VCAT that 52 was appropriate.

If there is such a demand for houses in Ballarat, why aren’t they being built near activity centres.

Objections are due in by March 19th, again as we always say – go down to council offices, request the file and have a look for yourself at the application, make up your own mind and let us know what you think.


  1. Richard Pegg says:

    The two significant trees that we were all watching in Stockade street are there no more, cut down at lunch time today (5.04.12) in time for us to all go on our Easter break and forget about it.
    I believe I have the last photo of the larger one, I was too late for the other one. When I asked one of the workers (?) if in fact they were cutting down the second one his response was “What is it to you mate?!” I thought they had some protection? Apparently not.

  2. Alice Christie says:

    Yes Diane; it’s no good. Once it goes ahead the other blocks facing the road could potentially be split up. This after all the effort that was made going to VCAT. To me it means that it is more important than ever to be ever vigilant as the developers and others obviously have their own agenda.

  3. Diane says:

    The developer stated putting larger blocks around the perimeter of the subdivision would respect the neighbourhood character and that the internal part of the subdivision would create it’s own character. Now they are chopping up the very blocks they put in place to protect the neighbourhood character.

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