Jan 12

Ballarat East Res 1

A lovely block of land in Wilson Street (619) has recently been sold. We ask all the neighbours there to keep an eye on the place. The Real Estate Agent highlighted subdivision and the land being zoned residential 1 ( you can build pretty much about anything) as main selling points.

So what does the local community see as main selling points – lovely rolling hills, lots of trees, quiet, farm-like, post & rail, rural, transition area between the city and the Canadian State Forest etc etc. Some of the land appears to be a swamp or swamp like and developing land such as that has seen so many issues in the past.

While residents understand the land will be developed and cannot remain as farm-land (unless someone is willing to buy and maintain it), we do however have high expectations that the new owners will want to talk with the local community about whats best for our area and sustainable development. We are happy to talk new owners, if that’s you please post to the community here by emailing info@ballarateast.net

In the meantime can residents please be proactive and keep an eye over this block. The land, arguably one of a few large pieces in East Ballarat could easily be carved up into tiny pieces with the resultant little boxes all perfectly neat and identical being the outcome.

How do we have our say to the real estate agents that continue to target developers and land for subdivision? They have a responsibility to act reasonably and encourage all buyers. This particular Real estate agents’ email address is gerard.cosgrave@harcourts.com.au.

619 Wilson Street sign 619 Wilson Street land


  1. Judyann says:

    There are subdivisions being built all over Ballarat, and beyond, which are more like fortresses than homes. Each house is surrounded by a very high, ugly fence for ‘privacy’ because the buildings are jammed so close together. Most windows in these houses face onto this fence. Shared driveways are the ‘norm’ in such developments, and anyone who has ever had a shared driveway spends a lot of time tearing their hair out over lack of parking and getting blocked in or out. Many of these “cheap” properties are being scooped up by companies for wholesale rentals, as neighbours are finding out on completion of building. Kids need space, it is not safe to play on the streets these days. Parks are often too away far to walk to.

  2. Diane says:

    Are smaller properties actually cheaper or is the current pattern of postage stamp blocks actually pushing up the price of a house with a back yard for a family? I don’t believe that residential properties with no room for a tree actually provides affordable housing. I believe this style of development only benefits the developer. We need a mix of large and small properties.

  3. Denise says:

    Thank you all for your comments I certainly stepped on a few toes but like you say ” we are all entitled to our opinions” Yes I grew up in the east a few 100 metres from the property in question. Where I lived was surrounded with paddocks and trees but is now developed, I hate suburbia and rather country style living, but can the average Joe afford what you are aiming at ? Steve you said “this is a neighbourhood, not dictatorship” so chill out.

  4. margaret says:

    Denise, Firstly, I am wondering .. do you actually live in Ballarat East and if you do, I am astounded that you wouldn’t want to preserve the area you live in. Perhaps you are happy to reside in close density areas, however that is not BE – NO WAY!!

  5. Diane says:

    The local community are also acting as advocates for the future residents of these new develoments. We don’t want to see people make huge financial commitments to a residential loan and then be flooded out in the next summer rain. If the developers are above board and develop responsibly then everyone will be happy – including future investors. Local knowledge is invaluable and we can work together for a great outcome for all.

  6. Denise says:

    Hi, I have been forwarded this site by a friend and have to wonder what business it is of other people. This was their land and being the owners have every right to sell, the new owners have every right to subdivide etc and have an input to keep the Aussie dream alive! How can a group of busy bodies interfere and think it is their right ! If you are that concerned purchase the land yourself to do with it what you think is right but until you can afford this, stay out of other peoples business!!!!!!!!!

    • BE Network says:

      Thanks Denise, we agree that everyone has a right to sell and buy property. However here in the East there have been too many examples of land that has been overdeveloped. We are working hard to support sustainable development here in the East that supports neighbourhood character. If you live in the East you’ll know what that is. If not you can read this post to get the flavour.
      If you or the new owners are concerned about the community here, and the future residents, you might be interested to read what we want to support. You can read that here:

      This is our community and thus it IS our business, indeed our lives. Our business to support our community, our business to ensure the area is ‘liveable’, our business to protect our fragile environment. We hope the new owners feel the same way. We would love to support them to create a development we can all be proud of. By ‘aussie dream’ are you referring to the large quarter acre block (in metres that’s about 1,000 sqm) with plenty of space for kids to place, lots of native vegetation, big gardens, lots of trees, a shed and likely a hills hoist? If so we are happy to support such a development.

    • Steven says:

      Denise, Nice try. A neighbourhood is everyone’s business. You are right is was their land and they have a right to sell it. Likewise wise we have every right to make our comments and do what we can to provide amenities for ourselves. “Rights” as you like to call them go both ways if you are suggesting we have no rights to say what we think then you’ve got it wrong. We have every right to make comments and agitate for appropriate development. Small 500sqm blocks have no place in East Ballarat, we are for sustainable and appropriate development, this is what keeps the “Aussie dream” alive not small boxes jam packed so no one can move.

      As for not being able to afford to be involved in planning, you comments are an affront. So are you saying only the rich or powerful have a place in setting development strategies for Ballarat East? This is a neighbour hood, not a dictatorship. I’m assuming you’ve heard of something called voting – but given your comments should only rich people vote?

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