Apr 24

Ballarat Strategy

An invite from the city: (I’ve booked have you??)

Dear Sir/Madam,



I am writing to inform you about the upcoming consultation for the Ballarat Strategy.

Ballarat Imagine gave Council the community’s vision for Ballarat in 2040.  The Ballarat Strategy is a key part of delivering on what the community has told us, covering development, infrastructure, planning and managing growth.

As the first step in developing the Ballarat Strategy, we will be talking to the community about Ten Game Changing Questions – questions that will have a big impact on Ballarat’s future. These include:

·         What kind of city would we like Ballarat to be in 2040?

·         Where and how will we live in 2040?

·         Will we be a commuter satellite city for Melbourne in 2040?

‘Ballarat’s Future’ Workshops

Council is now taking bookings for a series of workshops that will be held during the consultation period. The details are included in the attached invitation.

Preview of Game Changing Questions paper

A preview copy of 10 Game Changing Questions for Ballarat’s Future is available on Council’s website. While the submissions period will formally start after the school holidays, we are able to take early submissions. Submissions can be sent to ballaratstrategy@ballarat.vic.gov.au or Ballarat Strategy, City of Ballarat, PO Box 655, Ballarat, Victoria, 3353.

Consultation period

After the school holidays, a web survey will be available for you to provide additional feedback on your views. Council will also run a drop-in session for those who are unable to attend workshops. Further details will be sent in mid-April. Further information will also be available on the Ballarat Strategy section of Council’s website.

Thank you for taking the time to be involved in the planning process for Ballarat’s future.

Yours sincerely

Deon van Baalen

Manager City Strategy

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