Feb 3

Be Aware

This just in from a local.

“Just letting everyone know that there have been some daylight burglaries in the area forcing entry to houses and stealing small electronic and electric devices jewelry and perfumes etc..

Be aware of anyone coming to your house asking for someone who doesn’t live there or looking for a lost puppy etc.this is how these people explain their presence at your house if you are home, if not they break in.

You can be vigilant by noting rego numbers of cars that don’t belong at your neighbour’s homes or out on the street.

Call 000 if you believe someone is behaving suspiciously.(the police don’t mind checking out people going door to door or looking in windows etc).

Keep photos, model numbers and serial numbers of your property. Some one may be caught for something else but may be using your laptop or tv or wearing your jewellery, the police said they quite often have this happen.

Backing up your hard drives externally is also a good idea as they might get your computer but you will still have a copy of it’s contents.

Remember to set your alarm and let your neighbours know if you are going away.”

One comment

  1. margaret says:

    Thank you so much for the alert! Thats what good neighbours do …. look after each other. Wish we had more of it.

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