Booklet Released
The Re-Discovery of the Ballarat Orphanage’s Arthur Kenny Avenue Ceremony DVD is now available at a small cost, by contacting Sharon Guy Heritage Center email- or Ph- 03 533733392
The Re-Discovery of the Ballarat Orphanage’s Arthur Kenny Avenue Ceremony DVD is now available at a small cost, by contacting Sharon Guy Heritage Center email- or Ph- 03 533733392
[…] “Arthur Kenny Avenue of Honour” Having been rediscovered after years of neglect the are now has plaque and information signs. […]
“Mr Arthur Kenny, the long-serving Orphanage Superintendent, wanted to honour his old boys: One of the orphanage team which created this track in 1917 was the ploughman at the orphanage farm, 18 year old Harry Reed who also listed in the Military.
In all one hundred and five orphanage boys enlisted in the Australian Imperial Forcers and served at Gallipoli and in the Middle East, and in France and Belgium (the Western Front in the First World War) 1914 to 1918.
On August 3rd 1917 two Pipers played their bagpipes, the then Governor – General, Sir Ronald Munro Ferguson, planted the first tree in the Avenue and he named the track the Arthur Kenny Avenue”.(words from the Booklet)