Mar 24

Brown Hill developments

Residents of Gracefield Drive in Brown Hill wanted to let other residents know about this development, and some of their issues.

This from David Looker on behalf of 13 “objectors” (read residents who are concerned about their neighbourhood):

We as a neighbourhood are objecting to the granting of a permit for a 24 lot subdivision at 1 and 17 Gracefield Drive Brown Hill  (PSP/2011/361). The main reasons are as follows:-

1       The higher density 24 lot subdivision is inappropriate for the existing character of the area. The existing lot sizes in the Gracefield Drive precinct average 2336m2. The block sizes in the proposed subdivision are:-   5 lots from 500m2 to 599m2, 9 lots from 600m2 to 650m2, 6 lots 650m2 to 699m2 and 4 lots 700m2 to 850m2.

2       This planning permit does not follow the precedent, set by VCAT (P1944/2006 and VCAT determination PLP/2005/901) and Ballarat City Council, of the Gracefield Drive precinct.

3        There is no safe/adequate walkable or cyclable access to any services or facilities. This is because of the rural nature of the area.

4       Traffic issues on existing roads (Gracefield Road and Gracefield Drive) which provide the only access to the proposed subdivision.

5       Misrepresentations and inaccuracies in the Planning Application Submission. The application states on page 9 and 24 the lots fronting Gracefield road are between 600m2 and 900m2 when they actually average 2336m2.

As a group we are not totally opposed to the area in question being subdivided. But the new subdivision has to fit with the character of the area. It has to abide by the independent umpires determination (VCAT). It also has to cater for the extra pedestrian and motor traffic that will come to the area.

One comment

  1. Colleen says:

    Glad to see Brown Hill as part of the BE Network. Maybe we should be getting together as well? I live on Daylesford Rd and am concerned about what is planned for this area. I know my neighbors feel the same way. Developers have now ‘found’ our piece of rural countryside and are ‘circling’. Colleen

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