Canadian Creek Tributaries
We Easties love to have a say about our area! Hear this then have a say!
The City of Ballarat and the Corangamite Catchment Management Authority (Corangamite CMA) engaged Water Technology to undertake a detailed flood investigation of the Canadian Creek Tributaries. The investigation has produced detailed flood mapping and other information that will assist planning and emergency response activities in the future.
The flood study establishes the potential flood risk in the area, along with providing important information to emergency response workers. Knowledge of likely flood damages is also a prerequisite for the funding of any future flood mitigation works or further flood investigations. The draft flood study and proposed planning scheme maps have been completed, which indicate which properties will be proposed to be included within flood overlay controls.
You are being sent this letter as a landowner in an area where these overlays are proposed to be applied.
Informal Community Consultation
An informal community consultation session will now be held on Monday 16 June, 2014 to present the flood study information and proposed land use planning controls. This will be an open house session from 4-7pm in Town Hall, Sturt Street, Ballarat. During this time, residents and interested persons are invited to drop-in and view the results of the flood study. The consultants, Council and CMA staff will also be available to talk one-on-one about the study and possible future outcomes.
Next steps – Planning Scheme Amendment
Following the informal consultation session, a report will be presented to Council to request that an amendment to the Ballarat Planning Scheme now be undertaken, in order to introduce land use planning controls to flood affected properties in Ballarat East and the surrounding areas. Through this process there will be a future opportunity to provide comment on the proposed controls, during a formal public exhibition time. You are able to access information about the project through Council’s website
If you have any queries about the flood investigation, please contact Corangamite CMA on 5232 9100 or
[…] Management Authority’s Canadian Creek Tributaries Flood Investigation. Here is some background This display was like a celebration of the waterways and natural features of Ballarat East, and […]
How apt – I found this quote on Corangamite Catchment Management Authority website:
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead