Council Meeting this Wednesday – about 315 Fussell St
Well this is the development that kick started a movement, and we aren’t finished yet.
Simplistic Flashback:
- Developer seeks permit to erect 16 units (all the same) at 315 Fussell St
- Residents outraged and put up big number of objections & canvass council and neighbours
- Council officers approve 14 units
- Councillors vote proposal down
- Developer goes to VCAT
- Council & residents present to VCAT and win (ruling states 8-10 diverse units with trees)
- Developer seeks permit to erect 10 units (all the same) at 315 Fussell St
- Council officers conduct mediation
- Developer agrees to make adjustments and resubmits
- Council Officers propose 9 units, all to be diverse including roof-lines, with trees and extensive landscaping
- Councillors call decision into council meeting to be decided Wednesday March 14th
Grab the agenda, read the report and recommendation for yourself and decide what you want and then contact your Councillors direct, let them know what you think.
You’ll find reports here:
You’ll find Councillors details here:
Hope to see you there…
Hello Dona,
the meeting is at 7pm tonight (Wednesday March 14th 2012) at the Council Chamber Town Hall Sturt Street.
If you wish to speak to the issue you must inform the Governance unit on 5320 5535 before 2pm today.
Be Network
what time and where?