Jun 9

Cupcake anyone?

Have you found our latest bit of culture over here in the East? Wow are we changing or what? How fabulous that we can now walk to coffee and cupcakes locally!

So we headed out to try them. Could barely wait. I walked there while my ‘date’ drove later. A few hurried text messages about cash, or the lack of it, meant that we were hoping they would take card! They did!

photo 3

We settled in for coffee and ordered one cupcake each. I had orange poppyseed and my ‘date’ had choc on choc.

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Neither of us are sweet toothed, however even before we were finished our coffee we were eyeing off the huge tray of Red Velvet cupcakes that emerged from the kitchen.

photo 4

The tray was half gone by the time we ordered our second choice of cupcakes for our coffee!

photo 5

The shop was jumping with people, kids, coffee drinkers and book readers and over flowing with cupcakes. how fabulous. The shop is bright and warm, the service welcoming and enthusiastic, the coffee great and the cupcakes superb. We suggest strongly that you support this wonderful new business in Ballarat East!

photo 1

Go see them at corner of Eureka and Otway Streets. Head over and like them on facebook for daily releases… https://www.facebook.com/cupcakeballarat

All images by Erin McCuskey

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  1. margaret says:

    Looks just delightful! Will definitely be going there.

    Thank you!

  2. Jennifer Daly says:

    This business is a gem for us Easties. My daughter is organising cup cakes for her wedding through them.

  3. Colleen says:

    So exactly how many did you end up eating?

  4. Alice Christie says:

    Looks scrumptious!! Will have to put this one on the “to do” list. Thanks Erin.

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