Dec 1

December 2012 Update

Hello BE Netters,

wow what a year its been, with no signs of slowing down due to:

  • holiday season being a perennial time for developers to put in applications for awful developments in the hope that we are too busy enjoying ourselves! Keep an eye out for yellow signs and if you see them, immediately alert your neighbours, and us. We are not falling for those old tricks again.
  • new legislation that will affect zoning coming in net year, many developers may want to ‘get the jump’ and rush to develop. Keep an eye out for yellow signs and if you see them, immediately alert your neighbours, and us. And if you hear a rumour then check with the planning department.
  • their are a number of ‘big developments’ going to VCAT and getting residents motivated for action to stop them. The smaller ones though often slip through without objection. However its the small ones that create a precedent, so make sure you know whats happening around you, and again inform your neighbours ASAP.

However it is holiday season and a time when we should be able to enjoy our community and our town and our Ballarat East. We love to get pics of the area so please send them in when walking off your holiday cheer.

Is there such thing as a good subdivision? Why yes there is… A local resident, and active supporter for sustainable development, has had to make the unfortunate decision to subdivide for personal issues. And we all have a right to do what is within the law. This resident has promised to ensure the smallest block is about the average for out here – 1000m2, the others larger still and has also promised to put a section 173 on the block to not allow further subdivision. This is a great result. However as we always say make sure you have a look at the plans and make your own mind up.

Cheers for a great holiday season, and a bit of a rest to really enjoy the incredible beauty and diversity of Ballarat East…

Thanks so so much for all your support, help, posts, commitment and passion in protecting this amazing area…

Thanks for being there

Love Erin

One comment

  1. ksye murray says:

    How right you are about trying to sneak the yellow perils thru. Latest 307 York St. which is an ordinary house block proposed development of 28 units on this block, this is absolute overdevelopment. please check this out. I am told that it involves a group which involves a director in a local real estate agent. This is a lot smaller block than 619+621 York that proposed 26 units until you became involved and challenged this..

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