Nov 11

Do you know?

This email just in from Lynton:

Hi BE Net

My dad was born in Ballarat East in July 1921.
His father and mother married there and his father and grandfather were miners.
Was there a hospital at Ballarat East?
Lynton Shannon

Thanks Lynton,

we are unaware of a hospital in this area, however during the diggings there were many Chinese medicinal tents and other similar services.

Your best spot to research would be the Gold Museum

and the Ballarat Historical Society

Good luck let us know what you discover




  1. Frank Golding says:

    “In 1921 she [Sarah Jane Ellis] conducted a private hospital, in [28] Victoria Street, called Warrawee, which was in later years sold to the Ballarat Orphanage. She lived the rest of her life in Hopetoun Street within view of Warrawee.”

    Beyond the Wall: Ballarat Female Refuge A Case Study in Moral Authority
    by Dorothy Glennys Wickham Master’s Thesis, Australian Catholic University, 2003

  2. Diane says:

    Many babies were born at home in that era.

  3. David Elms says:

    There was one in East street between Barkly and Victoria streets. I beleive it was a private hospital. Its a 2 story red brick building with with lintels over the windows. I met a man a few years back at the fire station down the street who was born there, he was in his mid 80’s back then

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