East Birds
“We had to stop work as we noticed a pair of Pardalotes digging a nest in his pile of soil. I snapped this photo this morning of the male Spotted Pardalote sitting at the door of the nest. These birds are not much bigger than a matchbox. Having too much fun in the garden, now I must go and hang out that washing.”
What a fantastic picture of a beautiful bird! Thank you for sharing it. (and now I know what a spotted Pardalote looks like, I will be on the lookout.)
Great shot and how lucky to see such a beautiful bird!! Apparently as a result of their small, compact size some types of these birds are becoming extinct. Also they have significant value as they have a role in controlling insect infestations in the eucalyptus forests of Australia, which kill off young plants. All part of the healthy eco-system we have here in the East. Let’s hope it can stay that way.