Eastern Rosellas
We love your wildlife pics, please send your sightings in… this one is from Diane.
We quite often get Crimson Rosella’s in the garden in Fussell St but this morning we had the less common Eastern Rosella. As the name indicates, this bird is at home in our part of Australia – Victoria and only part of NSW and Tasmania. I have recently spent time in other parts of central Ballarat and the local wildlife consisted of noisy Magpies, Magpie Larks and roof-space invading starlings. Ballarat East is special and needs protecting. Let’s not take these beauties for granted!
What a beautifully coloured bird. I have never seen a Rosella like this one, will have to see if I can spot one as well. We love the diversity of wildlife we see in our area of Ballarat East.
totally gorgeous pic Diane, tough to get, I would have liked to see you sneaking up… love our wildlife around the East
I was in my kitchen with my little camera on full zoom through the venetian blinds. Not a bad photo considering!