Feb 17

EDO needs you

Dear BE Net,
please consider the following note, and do your darnedest to give what you feel comfortable with, and circulate to those who may be sympathetic
please put on your website
with thanks
graeme drysdale
For more than twenty years the Environment Defenders Office – http://www.edovic.org.au/ – has been supporting communities in defending the natural environment; helping to safeguard the forests, rivers and oceans.
The EDO now needs assistance from the community.
Last year the EDO was informed that the Federal Government would immediately cut promised funding. This means that the EDO has been deprived of 40% of its budget. But this is not all. Substantial new funding announced by the previous Commonwealth Government mid 2013 has also been terminated with immediate effect.
Brendan Sydes – EDO Victoria lawyer and Executive officer has written that “Prime Minister Tony Abbott and his government intend to silence community opposition by limiting legal assistance. Clearly, our political leaders want to stand between us and communities that use our legal skills to defend their local environment”.
The EDO provides a number of options by which people and organisations can assist; there are a various methods by which to donate http://www.givenow.com.au/edovic; there are a range of affordable memberships http://www.edovic.org.au/get-involved/membership, and volunteers are also welcomed http://www.edovic.org.au/get-involved/volunteer.

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