Jun 1

Forest Pics from Jenny

Thanks so much to local Jenny who sent in these images from the Forest Walk earlier this month. Jeff Rootes from Friends of Canadian Corridor has provided the words about the walk.

Huge thanks, this site is only as good as the info and contributions our community makes.

Forest walk
Last Sunday (May 19th) 40 friends walked through the southern end of the Canadian Forest, down into the “Canadian Creek Gorge and back . In the conversations at the end of the walk participants were clear about the quality of the remnant forest, hopeful about the revegetation now taking place on the ex plantation land and very positive about the future of the land as a forest park.

Forest Walk

Canadian Forest Park Position paper
The Cities strategic planning officers have requested a position paper on the corridor from the friends. A one page position paper has been prepared and provided to the city. The paper is based on the draft vision developed for the February Forum. The one page position paper was also distributed at the forest walk for comment. The case for a Multi Use Regional Park in the Canadian Corridor FoCC submission. Please feel free to pass on to friends and neighbours.

Forest Walk 2

 June Planning Forum
The FoCC and Cities strategic planning officers are planning a planning forum in June at the Earth Centre in Mt Clear . The purpose of the forum is for the planners to explain and discuss the planning process involved in the ex plantation lands and the strategic review that is being undertaken over the east side of the city. As soon as a date has been organised you’ll get info here if you have subscribed at right.
Forest Walk 3


A visit to the forest is really worthwhile, The recent rain has freshened everything up and hopefully this winter more regrowth will occur. It was heartening to see at the forest walk wattles, messmates and peppermint gums as well as native grasses all shooting up. Unfortunately so was gorse and blackberry.


FOrest Walk 4


Thanks to Jenny and Jeff for this fabulous article.



One comment

  1. Janet quinn says:

    Concerned about the amount of potential bush fire fuel in the forest off Greenhill Rd Mt. Helen. Many trees cut or fallen down. Have contacted DSE and CFA who have said yes burning off will be occurring in approximately 3 weeks, that was in early march. Nothing happened so far. Anyone interested go and look. Housing ,university the businesses in Mt. Helen all at risk and that depends on which way the wind blows. Would be interested in what other people think

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