Oct 5

Friends at Work

Here are some photos showing what the Friends of Sparrow Ground get up to on a Sunday morning a few times during the year.

This area of bush is along Spencer Street.  The two photos with the yellow flowers (a weed called Broom) is not maintained by FoSG and the other two photos are taken in an area where FoSG pull weeds and plant trees.

We believe we make a difference and we love getting together with a few neighbours for a chat.  We usually do two hours approximately four times per year.

Anyone can ‘adopt’ part of their suburb and get involved, it’s very satisfying! Hop to it, or join up with one of the groups here.

Cared for by Sparrow Ground

Cared for by Friends of Sparrow Ground


Weed choked


Cared for by Friends of Sparrow Ground

Weed Choked

Weed Choked


  1. Erin says:

    So inspiring thanks Friends of Sparrow Ground. Anyone want to get together and revitalise the reserve in Fussell Street opposite the Wildlife Park? We could create a plan for it, get the city to help by providing trees and gloves…. huh huh anyone?

  2. BE Network says:

    Such a clear indication of the need to work locally. Thanks Friends of Sparrow Ground for your tireless efforts in this area.

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Ballarat East Network (BE Net) has been developed by residents to support the community of Ballarat East shape and protect the East by supporting sustainable, good design that reflects our Neighbourhood Character.

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