Friends of the Canadian Corridor
The future of former Pine and Blue Gum Plantations in the Canadian Forest.
Recently three Crown Land former forest plantation blocks were handed back to the Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) for management. The blocks are located to the east of Geelong Road close to Mt Clear. Prior to the handback the leasee cleared all the existing plantation blue gums. Previously the blocks were covered with pine trees. These blocks are now bare with some regrowth becoming evident. Within the blocks there are remnant stands of high quality Koala Habitat known to be of Environmental Significance (ES05) and several streams.
A group called “The Friends of the Canadian Corridor” has formed and is now gathering facts and ascertaining the level of community interest in the future management of the returned blocks. The principal aims of the group are to protect neighbourhood character, maintain public open space and protect wildlife habitat in the local area. The Friends are holding a further meeting, details below, and invite interested organisations and individuals to attend and/or indicate interest in being involved in the Department’s consultation processes.
They are having a meeting 11am Sunday December 9th 2012 at the Earth Science Centre at The Mount Clear College, Olympic Avenue, Mt Clear
The Canadian Forest Corridor is the forested tree line section on the east side of Ballarat running between Woodman’s Hill and Buninyong. The corridor includes the Canadian State Forest, the former plantations, privately owned woodlands and vegetation
The Department of Sustainability and Environment is conducting an investigation into the future use of the blocks. The Friends have already submitted their interest in being an active particpant in consulting with the department. Whilst the blocks are bare stony ground at present, there is a opportunity to be involved in influencing the future use. Potential uses could include revegetating stream sides and improving koala linkages.
Anyone with an interest or seeking more information on the Friends, blocks and or the Canadian Corridor can contact Linda Zibell: mob 0429932724 email: or Jeff Rootes: mob 0408509591 email:
[…] “Canadian State Forest” within 5kms of the CBD this unique environment is home to much wildlife, native vegetation and many walking tracks. […]
[…] of Canadian Corridor) are having their second meeting this weekend. You’ll remember them from previous post here about the protection of land near the Canadian State […]
Maybe this could be an opportunity to work towards getting the whole corridor listed as a State Park or similar, before they start mining it or building ever more houses on it. This of course would include Pryor Park, maybe Sparrow Ground?