Aug 11

From 20 to 19 to 14?

The good folks in Rodier Street, and all people who previously objected to this development, have been informed of a revised application for 23 Rodier Street.

You will remember this proposed development as it was rejected by Council, and rejected by VCAT. Read the background here:

The major change is a reduction of units to 14, there are also changes in layout. But as we always say… Don’t take anyone’s word for it, don’t take someone’s opinion as fact, make up your own mind.

Read it all yourself here:

  1. go to
  2. click on Town Planning Applications
  3. at new screen select Advertised Town Planning Applications then click Next
  4. at new screen click on PLP/2013/490 (it will be listed with 23 Rodier St) and you will be given access to the plans

And let us know what you think in the comments below.



  1. Josie says:

    Whoops, just read my comment, 10 more houses down their own street. This still doesn’t change my view though!

  2. Josie says:

    It has been reduced in number and on Rodier street there’s apparently only 2 houses but hidden down their own road is a mass of 12 more houses of mainly 3 bedroom, double garages so that’s a whole lot more cars and culture mix than we have developed in our close knit community. The brand new take on the older style home is an effort but doesn’t take away from a small section of street with currently only 9 houses on it. Build more houses in the built up areas and leave our community alone!

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