Friends of Lake Esmond

Friends of Lake Esmond is a group of enthusiastic residents who are keen to see Lake Esmond valued as a beautiful and safe recreational park, and a place to be enjoyed by all.

Since forming in November 2011 following a public meeting and a Community Event at Lake Esmond, Friends of Lake Esmond have been working to make Lake Esmond a cleaner, safer environment. Residents are invited to become involved by going to community events such Clean Up Australia Day,  join the mailing list, or come along to a meeting. There is no membership and anyone is welcome to attend.

Meeting Dates for 2012

Friends of Lake Esmond meet on the Third Thursday of the Month 6 pm. Make contact for venue details. All welcome.
•    Autumn 2012:  22 March: 19 April; 17 May
•    Winter 2012: 21 June; 19 July; 16 August
•    Spring 2012: 20 September; 18 October; 15 November


Lake Esmond was originally a quarry for Eureka Tile Works until 1982. The park was named after the discovery of gold and Eureka Stockade leader, James Esmond (1822-1890). It was officially opened on 6 June 1988. Lake Esmond is 20 to 30 metres deep over an area of 1.8 hectares; the surrounding parkland is nine hectares. City of Ballarat are responsible for the management of Lake Esmond.


As a new group, they are not quite set up in this area yet. We suggest you contact the City of Ballarat on 5320 5500 or



  1. EJ says:

    We have been frequenting Lake Esmond for many years now and it has become one of our favourite places to visit. (We would be appreciative if you would add our details to the email list too.) Unfortunately, over the years, we have witnessed many teenagers attacking the water birds which has been shocking to say the least. In many instances, they have been accompanied by their parents who do not seem to think such behaviour is problematic. We have also witnessed the hoons (on two and four wheeled motor bikes) hooning their way through the grounds, as they arrogantly evade police. While on our way to the lake, the hoons came off a hilly ‘park’ area, drove into oncoming traffic and almost got hit. During a recent police chase, we stumbled across some personally identifying information which should enable the police to catch the individuals concerned. Hopefully something can be done to prevent this type of unsavoury behaviour, without causing inconvenience to residents or friends of the lake.

  2. Simon Higgins says:

    My wife and I are daily walkers around Lake Esmond and were dismayed this morning to find the Clayton St access to the lake removed. I contacted the Council and was advised it was at the request of the Friends of Lake E”. You cited as issue with hoons apparently. May I respectfully request that one gate, closed or open, is NOT going to solve the hoon problem but rather prevent good citizens of Ballarat having access to this natural site. To my knowledge this is PUBLIC property and should treated accordingly. Even the safety emergency issue must be considered. This access point could be vital if a fire occurred in this area. Have it now closed with no appropriate signage could result in a death trap. I look forward to your explanation and the reopening of this gate.
    Simon Higgins

  3. fiona says:

    We have been swimming at lake esmond most nights there is a increased amount of people who are swimming while drinking and leave glass bottles cracked and cans all over lake esmond there needs to be more bins on the far side of the lake close to the water to encourage people to put them in the bin even if it was small bins regularly scattered around so that the main bin doesn’t get over flowing like I have seen it a few times

  4. Steve says:

    We have recently moved into a house near Lake Esmond and have been appalled at the hoons and rowdy late-night “swimmers”. Not what we expected moving into what should be a nice environment.

  5. Jenny Palmer says:

    Hi Sherry

    I am writing on behalf of the Ballarat East Rotary Club and we are aware of the clean up Australia on 3/3/2013 at 10am, some of our members can attend this clean up, but we are not sure how to involve the friends of Lake Esmond, thanks

    • Cherie Draper says:

      Hi Jenny,

      Lake Esmond should be very well attended this Clean Up Australia Day as there are two groups registered on the Clean Up Australia Day website, both starting at 9 am.

      The Friends group decided not to register for CUAP this year as a number of locals collect rubbish within the reserve on a daily basis.

      We will be holding regular working bees in 2013, alternating between the first Saturday and the first Sunday of the month (except winter). These will focus mostly on weeding and mulching garden beds, but also include rubbish collection and general tidy up. Rotarians and other members of the community are most welcome to join working bees, which are held from 10 am until 12 pm.

      Thank you for thinking of us.

  6. Julieanne says:

    Hi there. Thanks for sending emails regarding activities at Lake Esmond . I am currently not very mobile due to a nueroligical condition. We are still very interested in what happens and will try and attend meeting and gatherings at the lake when we can. in the new Year. please keep us in the loop as I hope to make at least a partial recovery and i can the n reconnect. We live in Lal Lal Street and love it here. we are very keen to preserve the character of this area and be connected to like minded residence. All the best for 2013 and i hope we can meet up soon. Julieanne Ditchfield

    • BE Network says:

      Thanks Julieanne, I have sent your comment direct to the group so they are aware of your interest and to ensure they have you on their email list. Cheers and Happy New Year. BE Net

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