Have your say…
Our community is only as good as the contribution community members make to the discussion and decisions made for our fine city.
And there certainly feels like a lot going on I’ll grant you. Make sure you have your say on all things Ballarat… here’s how:
Read the budget here:
Have your say about the Budget here:
Download the special budget edition of My Ballarat here:
Tell them what you think about Ballarat through the Ballarat Imagine campaign:
Rembmer to mention Ballarat East and how you want this area to be into the future
- visit the city’s website and have your say – ballarat.vic.gov.au/haveyoursay
- get on the city’s facebook page and have your say – facebook.com/ballaratcity
- get onto twitter and have your say – twitter.com/ballaratcity and use the hashtag #ballaratimagine
- keep an eye out for Ballarat Imagine branded staff at events and festivals
As they say – speak up early, speak up often…