Mar 1

Help Protect Canadian State Forest

This just in from FoCC – Forum 13/03/14
Canadian Forrest 28 Feb 2014
Hello Friends of the Canadian Corridor,
Please find below a flyer for the second forum ” The Canadian Forest should be a “multi use Forest Park”, to be held at the Earth Centre, Olympic Avenue, Mt Clear at 7 pm on Thursday March 13th.
This forum is very important in developing community support and the case for a Canadian multi use Forest Park, right on the eastern doorstep of Ballarat.
Please support the forum by attending and learning more about the case for a Forest Park. Do feel free to pass the flyer onto interested neighbours and friends.
Also aobve is an image showing the sheer size and connection of the ex plantation blocks and the forest to the city. Unfortunately fire smoke haze has obscured the horizon but the view is unmistakable. Image taken from above the University at Mt Helen this morning.
If unable to attend or you or others wish to be added to our contact list please contact the organisers by phone numbers on the flyer or by return email to:
Jeff Rootes: Co Convenor of the FoCC
Kind regards

The FoCC organisers for the Canadian Forest Forum.

The Canadian Forest Forum flyer to download

The Canadian Forest Forum

One comment

  1. Linda Zibell says:

    Let’s establish a regional park for Ballarat!

    It would make a positive difference to our social identity as a city. We are one of few places without one – Bendigo, Castlemaine, Creswick and Hepburn all have a Regional Park. Geelong has the You Yangs Regional Park. Bacchus Marsh has the Lerderderg State Park; Clunes has Mount Beckworth. Ballan has the Brisbane Ranges National Park, Stawell and Horsham have Gariwerd and Beaufort has the Buangor State Park.

    We need it and our wildlife needs it: particularly in south Ballarat where koalas, echidnas and many smaller animals are under stress through recent housing development and plantation clearance. For a list of locally endangered species copy and paste:

    Hope to see you there.

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