Posts Tagged ‘FoCC’

Apr 5

Canadian Regional Park

Canadian Regional Park

The Bill to establish the “Canadian Regional Park” passed the upper house of the Victorian Parliament at 9.50pm on Thursday night March 24th  2016. The Park now exists, the boundaries have been secured and Parks Victoria will now be responsible for the future management of the Forest and ex plantation areas. It is expected that […]

Apr 26

FoCC Update

FoCC Update

Hi Friends, A big thankyou to all the Friends who attended the Open House on the Canadian Park last weekend. The Department recorded over 170 visitors to Earth Ed and were very pleased with the range and quality of the issues and wishes raised with DELWP and City of Ballarat Officers. The department has also […]

Feb 23

Canadian Corridor Update

Canadian Corridor Update

Update for the Friends of the Canadian Corridor (FoCC) February 2015 Hello friends, This is the first update for 2015. This year should be a very interesting year with expected movement on the establishment of a Canadian State Park and the further work on the City of Ballarat Strategy which covers planning issues within the […]

Nov 6

FoCC Mtg

Hello friends, FoCC Meeting A meeting of the Friends of Canadian Corridor will be held at 7pm Wednesday evening November 12th at the G Place, (old Golden Pt School) Grant St, Golden Pt. Agenda: To consider the responses from candidates for the upcoming election, for their commitment to the proposal for a “Canadian Multi use […]

Sep 21

A Park is what we need…

This just in from the fabulous Friends of Canadian Corridor. Sunday September 21st People from across Ballarat and district met in the Canadian Forest in Mount Clear on Saturday morning to participate in the Friends of Canadian Corridor launch of the proposal for a Canadian Multi Use Forest Park on 619 hectares of forest and […]

Jun 21

FoCC Update 2

Good afternoon friends, The winter rains are having a very good effect on the forest, with the new growth on the ex plantation sites continuing.   FoCC meeting. A meeting of the Friends of the Canadian Corridor will be held at the Earth Ed, Olympic Drive, Mt Clear at 5 pm to 6pm on Wednesday […]

Feb 11

“The Canadian Forest should become Ballarat’s regional multi-use Forest Parklands” Discuss

Update for the Friends of the Canadian Corridor (FoCC) February 2014 “The Canadian Forest should become Ballarat’s regional multi-use Forest Parklands” The forum is planned to be held 7pm to 9pm on Thursday March 13th  2014 at the Earth Ed Centre, Olympic Avenue, Mount Clear (go  past Mount Clear College on Olympic Avenue – it’s […]

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Ballarat East Network (BE Net) has been developed by residents to support the community of Ballarat East shape and protect the East by supporting sustainable, good design that reflects our Neighbourhood Character.

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BE Net is about sharing information about happenings in Ballarat East, to support a vision for our past, our personality, with a goal to inform our sustainable and charming future.

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