Posts Tagged ‘telstra’

Jul 27

Poppet Heads

Poppet Heads

Does anyone knows the locations of these 2 poppet heads in the Ballarat East section of this old panorama. The first is a small one NNE of the fire station at about 1-2o’clock? Can you see it? The other is a much larger one like the replica they have at sovereign  hill to the very […]

Feb 11

Decision for Eureka

Decision for Eureka

After a number of pauses in the journey to getting a decision about the telecommunications tower in Eureka St, the proposal was refused at the last council meeting in a 4:1 vote. Before the vote 4 Councillors asked to be excused from discussion and voting on the tower due to conflict of interest. As Cr […]

Dec 21

Telstra Pole Decision #2

Telstra Pole Decision #2

You’ll remember that the decision about the Telecommunications Pole for Eureka Street was slated for the last Council Meeting. Read all about it here: And you can read about the background on this proposed development here: The Courier reported on the story here: When time came to discuss the decision three Councillors […]

Sep 29

Telstra Tower

The yellow sign is up. Thanks to our local eagle eyes! Here are the details: APP NUMBER: PLP/2014/594 ADDRESS:  328 Eureka Street Ballarat East FOR: Construction of a telecommunications facility SUBMISSIONS DUE: 7/10/2014 LINK TO eSERVICES: And here is how to use eServices: You have time to get a submission in about this. […]

Mar 3

Telstra responds

Here is what one resident received in response to her objection. It’s clear that they are going to put it somewhere, so lets come up with some ideas about where they might put it. Please comment below. Telstra Response 24.02.14 web Click here to opne PDF    

Mar 1

Base Station at 328 Eureka Street

As some Easties are aware Telstra as looking to erect a bast station at 328 Eureka Street. It would be great to have a reasonable respectful discussion about this, as it affects those living beneath it, and those who are desperate to have a better reception in Ballarat East. Please make your comments below, and […]

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Ballarat East Network (BE Net) has been developed by residents to support the community of Ballarat East shape and protect the East by supporting sustainable, good design that reflects our Neighbourhood Character.

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