January 2012 Update – Geez
Wow what a month, when people are usually relaxing and enjoying summer holidays, this is the time developers seem to get busy!
We had a mediation meeting on 315 Fussell Street and you can find a report on that here – make sure you read the comments beloew the post for a full report.
We’ve been working with our South Ward Councillors to get a date for a community meeting to kick start the development of a Neighbourhood Character Overlay (NCO) or an Outline Development Plan (ODP) which has been something first mooted about 12 months ago (no wonder these things take a while). The meeting will take place in early March on a Sunday arvo, thanks to those people who responded with best times for them (and sorry we couldn’t suit everybody). Subscribe to be notified about the date and details.
And of course most recently we’ve had a Council Meeting where the development of 5 Highvista Grove was denied, more news about that here.
The council officers refused a permit on 23 Rodier Street which was fabulous too, more news here. Keep an eye out here, vigilance is required, and also is spreading the word.
There’s a gathering at Pryor Park this Sunday, check it out here.
And we are hoping that you are spreading the word and getting people to subscribe here and at our facebook site.
Thanks to everyone for your love and support – stay vigilant – everytime you see one of those yellow signs send it in and we’ll let everyone know to go and have a look and decide for yourself.
Congratulations BE Network – progress needs to be sustainable and clever – Colleen