Apr 3

King St in Yellow

Kaye wanted to let everyone know about this yellow sign in King St. Again we suggest that you go to Council and review the plans for yourself, decide if you think its appropriate, if not then tell the council through an objection. Your Council Officers can support you with this.

“Hi, just thought I would let you know  I saw one of those yellow horrors today Sunday 1st April 12, it was in King St near specimen vale st.  regards Kaye”



  1. BE Network says:

    Maybe just wait and see who moves in, many people are more interested in sustainable development than you might think.

  2. margaret says:

    Hi All further to my comment dated April 9, 2012 regarding “King St in Yellow”. I mentioned that it was AOK as my neighbours were trying to rebuilt in line with the BE character, well they have had so much hassle with Council that they have now purchased a property elsewhere due to much frustration – sad!. Now however, the 1/4 acre property is up for Auction and ripe for developing. I know I will be vigilant as I will be very concerned what structure(s) will be getting built next door to us!!!!!! Auction Sat 26 April (or may be sold before Auction) Any comments?

  3. erin says:

    Thanks so much Margaret,

    it’s good to see neighbours are helping out other neighbours…
    and fabulous to hear about good sustainable and respectful development

  4. This one is OK. Its my neighbour and he is only extending the house back further, keeping it in character with the heritage overlay. This was his grandmother’s, then his father & mother’s house and he is keen to keep it within the family tradition.
    Hope this helps you & by all means go check out the plans.
    Margaret & Martin (GA Diammond’s neighbours) next door

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