Sep 8

Launch of the “Canadian Multi Use Forest Park”

Dear  friend,

It is time for the public launch of the “Canadian Multi Use Forest Park” proposal.

Forest Park launch: Saturday September 20th 11am for 11.15 am start @ Earth Ed Centre, Olympic Ave, Mt Clear. Guided walks and BYO BBQ picnic to follow.

This launch will put the proposal for the establishment of  a Canadian Multi Use Forest Park in front of the public, the land managers the Department of Primary Industries, the City of Ballarat, our elected State and Federal representatives and candidates for the coming state election.

The launch will be held  at the Earth Ed Centre , adjacent to Mt Clear College, Olympic Avenue, Mt Clear on Saturday September 2014, beginning at 11am.

Uncle  Bryon Powell, Wadawurrung will conduct a traditional smoking ceremony followed by the more formal launch of the case. The Wadawurrung have lived in the area for thousands of generations, there are many areas of cultural and archaeological significance to Wadawurrung People within the region, indicating a significant level of activity of the Wadawurrung People.

The Friends of the Canadian Corridor formed in November 2012 and represents residents and groups interested in the future of the Canadian Corridor and Forest. The friends have been busy in creating a vision for the future of the existing forest and the ex plantation land so that future generations may be able to enjoy the forest with its wildlife, environmental values and recreation opportunities within a multi-use forest park.

Local recreation, sporting and environmental groups will be attending in support. We invite forest users to bring their recreation gear such as bicycles, running gear, and walking sticks.

The launch will be followed by guided nature walks in the forest looking at wildflowers and regrowth. A BYO – BBQ – picnic and displays will be held at Earth Ed at the conclusion of the activities. BBQ, tea and coffee provided at Earth Ed.

We invite you to attend this launch of the proposal for the Canadian Multi Use Forest Park. This is an important opportunity for everyone who believes the forest deserves a better deal, to attend and lend your voice and presence to the launch.

Copies of the launch brochure  and  postcard are attached for your use or perhaps display in a workplace.

Please pass this invitation on to friends and other people interested in the future of the Forest.

                Yours sincerely,

Co Convenors: Jeff Rootes: mob 0408 509591     Bob Hartmann: mob 0459100503      Linda Zibell mob 0402179676

Canadian Forest Launch Brochure 2014

Postcard final


  1. […] Earlier today a fabulous launch was held by Friends of Canadian Corridor to support the development of the forest as a state park to both protect and share this fabulous place we have that starts here in Ballarat East. More background here: […]

  2. […] And clearly such a beautiful area worthy of protection! But we already know that! Don’t forget the Friends of Canadian Corridor launch tomorrow, all details here: […]

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