Apr 29

Let them hear the East!!!

Dear Sir/Madam



Recently we sent you information on our ‘Ten Game Changing Questions’ consultation for the Ballarat Strategy.  The submissions period has now commenced and I am writing to let you know about the ways you can get involved:


Participate in our interactive online activity which looks at Ballarat’s future growth.  Visit www.ballarat.vic.gov.au/haveyoursay


We still have places in most of the workshops and encourage those who are interested to register.  The workshop details can be found at www.ballarat.vic.gov.au/haveyoursay

Drop in session

A drop in session will be held for those unable to attend any of the workshops or that would like assistance in using the interactive online activity.  The drop in session will be held upstairs at the Ballarat Town Hall on Friday 16 May from 5 to 7pm.  Bookings are not required.


Submissions are now being accepted on the ‘Ten Game Changing Questions’ paper. Submissions can be emailed to ballaratstrategy@ballarat.vic.gov.au or by post to Ballarat Strategy, City of Ballarat, PO Box 655, Ballarat, Victoria, 3353.  Submissions will close at 5pm on Friday 23 May.  For additional copies of the paper, call us on 5320 5657.

For further information on how to get involved email ballaratstrategy@ballarat.vic.gov.au or contact Council on 5320 5657.

Your contribution will help guide the future direction of the Ballarat Strategy.

Yours sincerely

Deon Van Baalen | Manager Planning Strategy and Design


One comment

  1. Frank Neilsen says:

    Hi Erin,

    I have just read that the the public has until 30 June to make comments about the Significant Tree Register. The developers must have read that one, as beautiful old trees are being turned to wood-chips at an alarming rate in our immediate neighbourhood (Eureka and Otway Streets).

    The big vacant block on the corner of those two streets was clear-felled the other day. Down went a truly superb old oak tree, and many others. This sort of activity is creating havoc in the bird population. The trees in our garden are being visited by flocks of distressed birds who have been displaced from their nesting places. Lots of territorial squabbles are breaking out amongst a variety of bird species, from rosellas down to wattle birds, finches, pardalotes, eastern spine bills, etc. Even the sparrows are having a hard time.

    In the past couple of days, the beautiful garden at an old Victorian house in Otway Street has gone through the chipper. Result? Even more birds with nowhere to live.

    Uncaring developers and the Council only see dollars in this wreckage of habitat.



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