Nov 6

Letter from residents in Eureka Street

Dear Councillors

I’m forwarding this email to all Councillors as none were able to attend the mediation meeting for 36.3 metre structure at 328 Eureka St.

Myself and several other objectors from the Eureka St Heritage precinct area were able to attend.

3 points which you may like to know.

POINT ONE The proposers would like to have a tower in the area as their trends of data usage have increased, and believe this trend of increasing data usage will continue. They believe this will put pressure on nearby towers in the future.

N.B. no data to support this and state they have not considered NBN which will soon be in the Eureka St precinct.

POINT TWO They stated this Tower will have minimal visual impact on MADE.

N.B. Objectors voiced grave concerns for the visual impact this structure will have on the surrounding neighbourhood due to the tower being in the middle of the Eureka St precinct, heritage, amenity, neighbourhood character concerns.

POINT THREE Objectors suggested alternative positions which would not visually impact on the heritage precinct.

  1. a) a cleverly disguised antennae on the pole or somewhere above the MADE building (maybe with a EUREKA symbol on it) for visitors to see.
  2. b) another site in the industrial area East of MADE. Over Stawell St.

N.B. The Telstra rep stated that YES both suggested options a) and b) would be adequate, assuming they were able to obtain leasehold.

INTERESTING NOTE. I often see school groups and tourists walking along Eureka St stopping at the Bentleys hotel markers and taking photos of the views. MADE promotes the M.A.D.E to explore Walk. See Link.

Maps are freely available at MADE and advise visitors to spend 30 minutes using the interactive touch tables to prepare them for their Walk which takes approx 1 ½ hrs.

Could the Councillors please consider this. Myself and other concerned residents of Eureka Street ask that a permit not be issued until this is addressed by council at a council meeting.

Residents of Eureka Street.

One comment

  1. Linda says:

    Well said! It does seem that the council have a casual attitude to heritage areas, especially in regards to the east. If there is no practical need for the tower, why spend time and money to build it?

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