Mar 16

Light Pollution

Recently we met Judith from the Ballarat Observatory at the Friends of Canadian Corridor gatherings.  We were really interested in the information she had on light pollution and how lucky we are in Australia to be able to view our amazing night sky.
Did you think everyone in the world had the ability to view the stars? Not so, some places are so polluted with light that the residents never see the stars, how lucky we are… at the moment, however we need to protect it. Many residents here put in objections to developments that include light and noise pollution.
Ballaarat Astronomical Association (BAS) wants to help reduce light pollution and are promoting Earth Hour – Launch of Ballarat and Surrounding
Areas Night Sky Quality Survey with a free meeting/lecture on 23rd March 2013 at 8:30pm.

The BAS web page above suggests that one way to reduce light pollution is: “By preserving our forests and green corridors…”. Its what we at BE Net have been promoting for some time…

Everyone is encouraged to participate in the survey and can do so by joining BAS for $10 which will provide the Insurance cover required for their involvement.

Starting on the 23rd March 2013 at 8:30pm. We invite students and members of the general public to join us in carrying out the survey. This survey will be ongoing over an extended period and at the end of it we will have enough data to show how extensive light pollution is.

Event Program:

Time: 8.30-9.20pm :
Free Lecture “The Earth at Night” and Launch of the ongoing  ”Ballarat and Surrounding Areas Night Sky Quality Survey”.

Time: 9.30 – 10.30pm
Viewing at telescopes $15 Adults, $10 Conc, $6 Students, $35 Family.  Third Rock Cafe open for refreshments.

Please head here for more info – see you there…

One comment

  1. Diane says:

    Our family went to this event and we were blown away by the information we received and the views from the telescopes. We not only saw Jupiter but also 4 of its many moons. The view of Saturn and its glorious ring was truly amazing. Let’s not take our night sky for granted. It is important to preserve the green corridor in the east to protect our night sky. Thank you to Judith and the volunteers at the observatory for sharing their abundance of knowledge.

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