Mediation Mtg set for 315 Fussell Street
A mediation meeting about the proposed development at 315 Fussell Street has been arranged for:
- Tuesday 17th January 2012 at 5.30pm
- House of Success, 17 Armstrong Street South (next door to Council’s Phoenix Building)
You need to confirm your attendance to Valentine Sedze on 53205114 or email him at You can still attend if you haven’t acted to this point – it’s not too late to get in a letter of objection and notify attendance at the same time.
We hope as many as possible will get to this meeting to ensure the developer follows the guidelines issued by VCAT at the previous hearing on this property. Ask your neighbours friends and family – are they going?
Thanks for the reminder Alice. It was a good meeting, we had about 12 objectors, Cheryl Blomfield South Ward councillor, the developer Tony McMaster and a number of council officers. We also had a large number of apologies including Ben Taylor and Des Hudson the other South ward councillors, and about 10 objectors, however the process doesn’t provide a place to hold these apologies.
After long discussions around diversity, density and specific issues of traffic and lighting, the developer was very amenable and has promised to make some changes as requested and to submit those along with a comprehensive landscaping plan in one month. Council officers will await the plans and notify all current objectors when these are available for viewing.
An assessment of the development proposal will not be made before this has been done. Remember if you want to be part of the process you need to submit an objection, which you can do right up until the assessment is made. Councillors have already ‘called it in’ which means the final decision on this will be at a council meeting after the assessment has been made!
The suggestions for improvements were:
-reduce number of dwellings (developer not keen on this one)
-paling koala friendly fence not color bond (developer happy to oblige)
-diversity of design and materials (developer will respond positively in new document submission)
-extensive landscaping and canopy trees (developer will respond positively in landscape plan to be submitted)
-rubbish pick up to be minimum once per week (developer happy to oblige)
-lighting to be very low level bollard (developer will respond positively in new document submission)
-parking to be improved (developer to respond)
The developer said to look at other developments in Burnbank Street and Heritage Avenue for examples of what he wanted to achieve here.
To stay informed please ask your neighbors to subscribe to this website!
Any news from people who went to the mediation??
Council says we should be greatful Diane that there is a moderation meeting at all!! I didn’t know about it either and wouldn’t have if it wasn’t for this site. But my apologies and hope all goes well for us!!
Apparently others also have not received notification, please pass a link to this website around to people you know to let them know…
As an objector I believe I should have received written notification of this meeting but didn’t. This website is already proving valuable in keeping people informed. Who else was unaware of the meeting?