Feb 1

Mediation Mtg set for 54 Stockade Street

A mediation meeting about the proposed development at 54 Stockade Street has been arranged for:

  • Thursday 2nd Feb 2012 at 5.30pm
  • Trench Room (upstairs in Town Hall)

You need to confirm your attendance to Leah Clark on 53205149 or email her at leahclark@ballarat.vic.gov.au You can still attend if you haven’t acted to this point – it’s not too late to get in a letter of objection and notify attendance at the same time.

This one is important because it is SO SO close to Canadian State Forest, it needs protecting on block sizes, number of dwellings and the amount of vegetation on the site along with a lack of infrastructure (now and in the future).

Lets hope the developers are up for a compromise… see you there


  1. Sofia says:

    I agree, the meeting felt good, there were no major differences in opinion. The only thing I have concerns over, is that it is the council whom have so much sway when it comes to the size of blocks, and it is the council that would prefer further subdivision in the future.

  2. BE Network says:

    What a great mediation, conducted by Leah Clark from the City… and what a respectful development reflecting the area, its environment, its native inhabitants and the residents. It was a fabulous discussion of all residents concerns by the developers, who themselves are residents and will continue to be.

    The major condition agreed to at the meeting, with discussion to occur about how best to accomplish it, was an agreement to no further subdivision with only single dwellings allowed. This is a real win for the area, the environment and the koalas and echidnas who call this area home.

    Other conditions were minimal infrastructure (current roads/kerbing to remain as are), building envelopes removed in favour of vegetation envelopes, koala friendly fencing & access, sewerage pipes to be laid around vegetation.

    A great result from many people keen to do the best. Congratulations everyone who attended and contributed to a great result. While we await the assessment, we hope all will happen as agreed to.

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