Merry Christmas & Happy Summer
Thanks so much to everyone in the East and beyond who have supported sustainable development in our area this year. This info website has been up and happening for a year now (first post) and its success is due in no small part to the contributors to this blog with news, info, warnings about yellow signs and much more. It really really is a grass-roots repeater station – you know those fabulous old technological wonders that heard some news then sent it on. However classic repeater stations were automated, this one isn’t, it relies on neighbours talking to neighbours and sharing the news.
Well certainly the residents in Rodier St will be having a happy one this year. Congratulations to Ron Marshall and those other Easties who managed to get a great result from VCAT. You remember 23 Rodier St? About a year ago notices went up about an over development in sleepy little village like Rodier St. Well the residents got together and have now been fighting the development for a year. Thankfully the planners at the City of Ballarat also agreed it was over development and refused the permit. Off to VCAT and finally a decision early this week to uphold the councils position.
We hope it signals a new round of discussions with the developer about what is acceptable, sustainable and respectful on this site.
Also good news over at White Flat, after the City of Ballarat voted the proposal down as over development. Next round, VCAT, let them know what you think…
Not so happy is the news about 5 Henfield Close. A silly but small over development in the transition area close to the state forest. Small ones like this create a precedent in the area, however they are small so residents feel loathe to hold them up. This development has been allowed, however the planners at the city have been very thorough in ensuring the people who live in the court and the new residents have the best possible outcome. We will watch this one carefully to ensure its followed exactly the letter of the law, unless of course some residents choose to take it to VCAT.
There have been other achievements and disappointments throughout the year, however the biggest positive would have to be how together residents feel, how supported we feel and how comfortable we are talking to each other, even if sometimes we don’t agree with each-other.
I’m sure though that we will all agree that this summer is one to enjoy our beautiful area, plant some trees, and take advantage of all the beauty here. Don’t forget to check out the York St development before start setting out the chairs for celebrations. BE Net will help arrange a New Years street celebration and news about that soon.
Have a fabulous one.
Spokesperson for BE Net
Thank you to all involved with this website and especially Erin. Your tireless work means so much to all of us Easties. i am out of action at the the moment and cant get to meetings or out and about. So this keeps me on top of what is happening. My absence is definitely not from disinterest. i love the East. i have spent a lot of my life in this part of town. it saddens me to think what will happen if all this rampant development goes ahead. There are plenty of open spaces on the outskirts maybe an improved transport system could remedy this. Enough of my rave thank you again Erin and to all the Easties who are fighting so hard. have a great Christmas and lets hope 2013 sees some sympathetic and sustainable development.
Yes Erin you put in a sterling effort. Without your hard work and keeping connected we wouldn’t be able to keep abreast of all that goes on-Merry Christmas to you and to everyone in the East. Sounds like 2013 will be another year where we need to remain vigilant!
Thanks Easties, you know it couldn’t happen without you lot.
Thank you to those who have put so much work into BE Network and for all of the research done to attempt protection of a very sensitive part of our city.
We are seeing what happens when that very thin of the wedge gets in, it is then taken as the norm.
Great picture above showing a very green and lovely land which is threatened with desecration.
Special thanks to editor, Erin.
Seasons greetings to all who live here. Be alert, this is the yellow notice season.
Thank you Erin for a great year. This website is second to none. All the time that you commit to Ballarat East, I often have to remind myself that you also have a REAL job. I know a few businesses that could benefit from your website design skills!! Thanks so much.