Neighbourhood Character Study
A local has just sent this though. Such an interesting idea she wanted to pass it on. Its not a fab website, but an interesting idea, Easties might like it, maybe even the whole of Ballarat should think about it (White Flat, Golden Point, Canadian forest). Parish Maps. The idea is the community lists what they value and want about them in daily life.
It’s a way of looking at a place in a different way, what do you value about where you live, where you visit?
Possibly its a way to begin a neighbourhood character study where everyone can contribute?
Let us know what you think in a comment below…
Neighbourhood Character should always be carefully studied before any change of zoning is made. Any rezoning should be in sympathy with current resident’s views, the geography of the land, the current use of the land, and the presence of native flora and fauna.
Regardless of zoning ,all developments should be in sympathy with the above as well as wellbeing of present and future residents. Not to fatten someone’s bank account at any cost to others.