Mar 22

New Zones

We’ve been talking about the rezoning for a while now… Crunch time has arrived.

Great news for the buffer for Canadian State Forest we have wanted, an area of Neighbourhood Residential Zone has been proposed for Ballarat East, and runs along beside Canadian State Forest from the highway to south of Bennett Street, not quite reaching Elsworth Street. More Neighbourhood Residential Zone is proposed for Buninyong and Mount Helen. Most of Ballarat will be covered by the General Residential Zone with small pockets of Growth Residential Zone in Lucas, Mt Clear.

mapClick the map to go to the interactive map, you can enter your address to see what is planned for your place.

It just doesn’t feel like it goes far enough, but have a look for your self. Here is an interactive map which is showing the proposal from the City planning Department.

TELL US what you think in the comments below and we will add it to our submission.

The City of Ballarat is implementing the new zoning in two stages. The first (now) is a direct roll-out through the Residential Zones Standing Advisory Committee, who will consider the proposed changes and report to the Minister. The second stage will be developed through the Ballarat Strategy.

The rezoning, which needs to be in place by July 1st, is about encouraging development, while reducing paperwork, process and development delays. It also means you will have less say in what happens in your neighbourhood. SO MAKE SURE YOU HAVE IT NOW.

Most of Ballarat East is currently covered by Residential Zone 1. There are basically there are three new zones we are concerned with:

  • Residential Growth – higher density development. 13.5m height limit. No specific controls on the maximum number of dwellings, will still need to adhere to Ballarat Planning Strategy.
  • General Residential – moderate development. 9m height limit. No specific controls on the maximum number of dwellings, will still need to adhere to Ballarat Planning Strategy.
  • Neighbourhood Residential – limited development. 8m height limit. The City of Ballarat is proposing a maximum of two dwellings on any lot, and a minimum lot size of 800m2.

So where do you want these zones???

City planners have made their proposals based on existing overlays, current planning policy, precinct plans, Activity Centre Strategy, character studies, Outline Development Plans, flood mapping and current development trends. And they need you to tell them what you think… SO TELL THEM (sorry to yell). By making a submission to the panel, follow the links below to find out how.

TELL US what you think in the comments below and we will add it to our submission.

Here is some info about it from the city:

Implementing Reformed Residential Planning Zones in Ballarat

The planning zone that applies to most residential properties in Ballarat is changing.

All properties currently within the Residential 1 Zone in Ballarat will be rezoned to one of three new residential zones, introduced by the State Government. The changes will influence the type of development that can occur in residential areas. Council has proposed where the new zones could apply and is encouraging the community to make a submission to the process.

Visit for more information, and to access an interactive map to see what zone is proposed for your property. Submissions can be made until Wednesday 16 April 2014.

Click here for info sheet – Reformed Residential Zones – FAQ and Notice, or see below.

Where can I find out more information?
Details of the proposed changes and further information can be viewed at:
Or during office hours at:  City of Ballarat Town Hall, Sturt Street, Ballarat VIC 3350.

Also info is at City of Ballarat Libraries:

  • –  178 Doveton St Nth, Ballarat
  • –  181 Albert St, Sebastopol
  • –  Stockland Shopping Centre, Wendouree

Reformed Residential Zones - FAQ and Notice_Page_1

Reformed Residential Zones - FAQ and Notice_Page_2

Reformed Residential Zones - FAQ and Notice_Page_3

Reformed Residential Zones - FAQ and Notice_Page_4

Reformed Residential Zones - FAQ and Notice_Page_5



  1. Judyann says:

    I would have liked to see another block added to the Neighbourhood Residential Zone zone, eg., south of Eureka St, as far as Richard St. on the Western side. There is still wildlife and flood plains in the Fussell St – Richard St. vicinity.

    It would also lessen the impact on the forest from the additional residents who would be living so close to the forest.

  2. max sharam says:

    This is all very disturbing. People need to be taught how to use and live with their forests. Look at German city developments and town planning if you need a new model to learn from. Teach people to build their houses UP not out. Teach our community to RESPECT and enjoy nature and everybody`s quality of life will increase as a result. The more people and sprawl you have the more trees you need to combat the pollution and water loss.

    • Judyann says:

      Not all Germans live “up” in their cities. Cities like Hamburg have amazing amounts of open space throughout the city, and along their rivers. In fact Hamburg has a woodland cemetary the size of a suburb. This includes nature walks.

      It must also be remembered that Australians are used to being ‘groundhuggers’. This is a great way to bring up children who have the freedom to spend time outdoors and have exercise in their own backyards at any time.

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