Aug 20

Objection letter example

Sometimes it hard to work out what to write when making a submission about a development. here is one I wrote this week:

Comment on a Planning Application

Application Property Address : 809 Wilson Street, Ballarat East
Application Number PLP/2014/255
Your Comments :

DEVELOPER: Natural Blond Pty Ltd
SITE: 809 Wilson Street, Ballarat East
PROPOSAL : Subdivision into 34 lots and Removal of Native Vegetation
OBJECTIONS DUE : August 21st 2014

I would like it noted that the first application for this development went in in 2011, and this variation is not much different. It has been and continues to be a waste of time and effort for the City of Ballarat and residents. This could have been resolved a long time ago had the developer been willing to consult with residents. The developer has chosen not to attend mediation and have never made time to talk to residents. We support a much more non-combative process.

Ballarat East is as unique suburb as any in Australia, it is diverse, eclectic and we residents of the
East are proud of its personality. It needs to be protected. This is a letter of objection, and a request that you deny the application regarding this proposed development, for the following reasons:

1. This development is a high contrast to this area’s neighbourhood character. Ballarat East as a whole, and Wilson Street especially, shows an eclectic mix of housing, each one proudly different to the next; the streets wind and move with the landscape, dipping to the creeks and rising to the hillocks; the area is green and lush. This specific block is surrounded by bush blocks with natural and extensive landscaping, and is adjacent to Canadian state forest. The proposed development is suburban in nature and is lacking any sympathy with its surrounds. This development is in high contrast to this area’s neighbourhood character which can generally be described as one dwelling on large blocks with lots of open space and landscaping, no footpaths and unmade roads. All the adjectives that describe a rural-bush land area. Because this development is nestled between Canadian State Forest and Fussell St, in the valley between Eureka and Wilson, it will be highly visible; will have extreme lack of natural vegetation and large quantity of concrete and housing.

2. This development represents extreme overdevelopment, lack of open space and limited landscaping. Ballarat East has been deemed not to require an activity centre due to lower population, lack of infrastructure and a desire by residents to support a more natural environment; Ballarat East therefore cannot possibly support the residents who might live in this development. Cars are required due to lack of public transport, yet the roads remain unmade. Small blocks mean limited space to play yet the area is marked as one that requires more public space. The state forest needs to be protected from development that brings people, traffic, noise and light pollution and domestic animals.

3. This block specially and the area generally is Protected by Overlays; described on the City of Ballarat website as fire prone and potentially flood prone, it is impacted by Vegetation Overlays, Environmental Significance Overlays and Bushfire Overlays. The vegetation surrounding this proposed development should be replicated as much as possible, not concreted over; it should be turned towards the community to be welcoming, enjoyed and protected. A close look at the the overlays shows that since they were put in place the native vegetation had already been removed. We request the the developer REPLACE that vegetation or be fined.

4. This area has high visitation by tourists, so its important that we preserve the originality of the area and provide a real glimpse of Ballarat East, a suburb built by grit and determination as the very gold discovered there was spent on the development of Ballarat central.

5. This area has been identified as needing the special consideration of the Neighbourhood Zone of the new zoning proposed by the State Government. Minimum 800sm blocks and more vegetation. The only reason it is not in place already is due to state government processes. We ask that you respect these zonings NOW as we cannot go back once its gone.

We live within view of the proposed development, on the road to and from the proposed development and often use this area for recreation. It will impact directly on us and our neighbours specifically in the forms of traffic, light pollution, noise pollution and a degradation of the natural environment within which we live sympathetically. We request the council work harder to motivate and encourage developers to build more sustainable responsive developments; that respect the area, compliment the natural environment and where it cannot be imagined fitting in anywhere else.

Suggestions: Reduce the lot quantities; increase lot sizes; ensure no further subdivision can be made; plan to introduce great diverse design, plant more trees, create more landscaping, ensure enough off street parking and importantly protect the wildlife that often travels through the area.

This is exactly what we proposed last time however the developer continues to ignore resident pleas.

Residents believe that Ballarat East is a lovely place to live; we encourage developers to build in the suburb not build over it. Thank you for taking our objections and suggestions into account.

Yours Sincerely

PS thanks to Diane for pointing out that an objection can also be jsut two lines. Whatever you can contribute is just fine.

Also worht noting that submitting positive thoughts are also good (just not for this development).

Please write your submission in your own words, this is just an example. It’s easy to share this information, the developer will already have a copy, in fact had previous copies too, so its not new information. Sharing and helping each other understand this system is much more useful. Have a think about making an objection to this horrendous development. You can write a submission whether or not you live locally, you can make a submission up until the time the officers make a determination (though you may not have access to the online platform.

Here is the background, 18 posts of passion:

Good Luck Easties and supporters.


  1. […] USE & SHARE BE Net (and other groups): There is a swath of info on BE Net, get in and have a look around. Here is a link to a sample objection letter (or submission), however there are many stories there to tell. We have been the most successful when a group works together to get changes made. […]

  2. […] USE & SHARE BE Net (and other groups): There is a swath of info on BE Net, get in and have a look around. Here is a link to a sample objection letter (or submission), however there are many stories there to tell. We have been the most successful when a group works together to get changes made. […]

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