Apr 22

Our Important Vista

Taken directly from the Ballarat Planning Scheme.

Planning Officer Andrew Bishop defined it as follows: Objectives MUST be met. Strategies SHOULD be met.

21.06-6 Landscape

Ballarat has a range of important vistas including sweeping views of gently undulating grazing land, treed roadsides, mountains, lakes and wetlands. It also has important natural features and areas of high natural biodiversity values (remnant vegetation and habitat values). Key areas include Mount Buninyong, Mount Bolton, Lake Wendouree, Lake Learmonth, Lake Burrumbeet, Winter Swamp and other wetlands, high conservation value roadsides and scenic vistas, Canadian Forest, native grasslands (e.g. Victoria Park, roadsides and the Ballarat-Skipton Rail Trail), the Buninyong Corridor, Nerrina Invermay Corridor and waterways.

Objectives and Strategies

Objective 1 To rehabilitate, protect and enhance landscapes with identified values.

Strategy 1.1 Encourage the use and development of land in a manner that enhances and protects identified landscape values.

Strategy 1.2 Protect historic trees (both native remnants and planted specimens) with cultural or historic values.

Here is a direct link: http://planningschemes.dpcd.vic.gov.au/ballarat/ordinance/21_mss06_ball.pdf

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