Jul 26

On the Go

New eservice from the City of Ballarat. You can still use the other apps we have talked about here: http://ballarateast.online/snap-send-solve/ Just testing this with request for tree plantings in Fussell St! Please also test it so we can provide feedback, and share the message!! Council Writes: Yes indeed, there are quite a few 3rd party […]

Jul 26

FoCC meetings

Hi Friends Next meeting of the Friends is scheduled for Wednesday July 30 at 5 pm at Earth Ed, Olympic Avenue, Mt Clear. Below are the latest responses given to the City of Ballarat Strategic planners. 1. Economic , Social and Environmental benefits, 2. Canadian Forest Policy and 3. “Imagine” a Canadian Multi Use Forest […]

Jul 24

The night belonged to former residents

At last nights council meeting the council voted to retain the old school building. Here is what former resident Deb Findlay had to say about it: At the Council meeting there were about 25-30 people who attended, twelve were submitters. Former Residents attended the meeting were unsure how it was all going to unfold, would […]

Jul 24


DRAFT GREENHILL ROAD DEVELOPMENT FEASIBILITY STUDY – DROP-IN SESSION Check it out and give some feedback… You are invited to attend a public drop-in consultation session to provide your feedback on the Draft Greenhill Road Development Feasibility Study. The Draft Study has been developed utilising feedback from landowners, community groups and relevant authorities. It outlines […]

Jul 21

The City of Ballarat Library Service is coming to M.A.D.E

The City of Ballarat Library Service is coming to M.A.D.E What a fabulous addition to MADE and to Ballarat East. I know we aren’t used to having a fuss made of us, but its great when it does happen. Support this great community initiative and get to MADE this Thursday! Borrow a variety of books, […]

Jul 10


So where is that pesky Diorama? You know the one. It was a crazy kitchsy timber shed in the middle of Eureka Stockade park, near Lake Penhallurick. In it was a sculpture art work about the Eureka Rebellion, with figurines, and a painted backdrop. You had to put in a coin to start the narration. […]

Jul 10

Know your street!

Often when developers move into the area they remain unaware of the history of a street, an area, a neighbourhood. Its our job to inform them until they listen! Here is a great resource for residents, new and old, to help you work out some of the heritage in your street… Federation University hosts a […]

Jul 8

Visiting Heritage

Hi everyone at Ballarat East Network This week I had the opportunity to visit Ballarat East Fire Station with David, who I found via this BE Net group. David was a fantastic tour guild and I thank him for his time and knowledge, we learnt a lot.. Here are some photos of BEFS (Ballarat East […]

Jul 8

Flora of The East.

Flora of The East. Lots of rain leads to beautiful displays of wildflowers. How many photos can we get sent in to the website? Thanks Diane for these beauties…

Jul 5

Update on the Reformed Residential Planning Zones in Ballarat

With thanks to the city for keeping us updated. And a heads up BE Net is working off  web based app today due to computer meltdown. Apologies for formatting, it will be rectified soon (I hope). Update on the Reformed Residential Planning Zones in Ballarat The State Government is reforming the planning zones that apply […]

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About BE Net

Ballarat East Network (BE Net) has been developed by residents to support the community of Ballarat East shape and protect the East by supporting sustainable, good design that reflects our Neighbourhood Character.

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BE Net is as good as the information we share. There are no rights and wrongs. We just love to hear from you!

BE Net is about sharing information about happenings in Ballarat East, to support a vision for our past, our personality, with a goal to inform our sustainable and charming future.

Please subscribe above (all welcome), and contribute by email to infoATballarateastDOTnet

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