Feb 14

Fussell Street Kangaroos

While we hope it is not an omen for the footy season to come, the Kangaroos are out in numbers this season. Here are some that Jenny saw in Fussell Street. Please send us your wildlife pics and where you saw them to us at info@ballarateast.net

Feb 14

York Street approved

Hey there, Erin here. It was a great Council meeting Wednesday night gone (Feb 12) that proved the Ballarat Council is forward thinking in terms of social issues. The Multicultural ambassadors were sworn in, a proposal to support the Say No to Homophobia campaign was supported unanimously. However we are also leading with over-development, when […]

Feb 11

“The Canadian Forest should become Ballarat’s regional multi-use Forest Parklands” Discuss

Update for the Friends of the Canadian Corridor (FoCC) February 2014 “The Canadian Forest should become Ballarat’s regional multi-use Forest Parklands” The forum is planned to be held 7pm to 9pm on Thursday March 13th  2014 at the Earth Ed Centre, Olympic Avenue, Mount Clear (go  past Mount Clear College on Olympic Avenue – it’s […]

Feb 8

307 York Street Mediation

**NOTE: I hope some of you read this letter a little better than I did! Its not a mediation, its being raised at the Council meeting. The planning officers are proposing the development go ahead with a zillion conditions. Check it out for your self online here: http://www.ballarat.vic.gov.au/ac/council-meetings-agendas/council-agenda-minutes-2014.aspx Do you remember this one? This is […]

Feb 6

Ballarat East Icon Turns 150

In April 2014 it will be 150 years since the iconic Ballarat Fire Brigade bell tower was first used. The following is a brief history of the tower written by David Elms Curator, BFB Historical Collection. “In August 1863 the Ballarat Fire Brigade decided that it need a watchtower and belfry that would allow Ballarat […]

Jan 25

Old Ballarat East

Here is what Eureka Stockade Pool/Dam once looked like. The image is from the Rose Series of Postcards and can be located in the Gold Museum Fitzgerald Collection. Click on it to be taken to the original source. Now we have concrete boxes and no trees. Not bagging it, given its one of the few […]

Jan 25

Update from Friends of Canadian Corridor (FoCC)

Hello friends, After a very quiet December and the start of the year this is our first update for 2014. Last year the Friends developed and consolidated a vision and a plan for the forest. Many Friends engaged residents and decision makers in discussing the merits of the Canadian Forest, corridor and promoting the opportunity […]

Jan 10

Were you notified??

The folk who are mounting the charge against the developers looking to demolish most of the Old Orphanage site are interested in hearing from you. If you made an objection regarding the site did you received notification from the developers firm, St Quentin’s, informing you about the challenge at VCAT? If you did then you […]

Jan 3

Developers take the City to VCAT over Orphanage

Clearly the developers here cannot wait to knock over everything from the Old Orphanage site on Victoria Street. Here is a letter telling objectors about the trip to VCAT, click here for the detailed application VCAT – Old Orphanage Site. Thanks to eagle eyed residents for the alert.

Dec 17

Fire Restrictions this summer

FIRE RESTRICTIONS The Fire Restricted Period will begin at 0100hrs (1am) Monday 23rd of December and set to cease unless varied at 0100hrs (1am) 1st of May 2014. Some helpful links for this summer are: Restriction Information – http://www.cfa.vic.gov.au/warnings-restrictions/restrictions-during-the-fire-danger-period/ Emergency Information – http://www.emergency.vic.gov.au/#now Preparation Information – http://www.cfa.vic.gov.au/plan-prepare/ Weather Information – http://www.bom.gov.au/vic/?ref=hdr Mark Cartledge | Fire […]

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About BE Net

Ballarat East Network (BE Net) has been developed by residents to support the community of Ballarat East shape and protect the East by supporting sustainable, good design that reflects our Neighbourhood Character.

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BE Net is as good as the information we share. There are no rights and wrongs. We just love to hear from you!

BE Net is about sharing information about happenings in Ballarat East, to support a vision for our past, our personality, with a goal to inform our sustainable and charming future.

Please subscribe above (all welcome), and contribute by email to infoATballarateastDOTnet

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