Nov 16

Koala’s in Scentbark Land

There have been a few reports of a koala in Scentbark Lane over the last couple of weeks. This photo was snapped Thursday November 14th. Koala sightings and photos can be logged on the Australian Koala Foundation website. It would be great to get some more sightings documented. Or if you wish, just send […]

Nov 11

Do you know?

This email just in from Lynton: Hi BE Net My dad was born in Ballarat East in July 1921. His father and mother married there and his father and grandfather were miners. Was there a hospital at Ballarat East? Lynton Shannon Thanks Lynton, we are unaware of a hospital in this area, however during the […]

Nov 9

How long does it take?

We asked them when the site was sold to take care of it… We asked them when the site was closed to take care of it… We asked them a consultation was held to take care of it… And each time we told them it will be vandalised please take care of it… At the […]

Nov 9

Bigger blocks go first

It clearly what we have been trying to tell developers about the East, people appreciate a bit of space out this way – in most developments out here the bigger blocks go first, people voting with their wallets…  

Nov 9

Changes to York St Dev

DEVELOPMENT NUMBER: PLP/2012/639 DEVELOPER: TMG Group Pty Ltd SITE: 307 York Street Ballarat East PROPOSAL: 28 dwellings (down to 25) The York Street development is back with council officers after a few changes: reduction in number from 28 to 25 widening of entering roadway to 6 meters increase of internal roadway for traffic and trucks […]

Nov 3

Orphange site meeting

Deb Findlay has the old orphanage at heart. A few weeks ago she attended an auction to ‘buy back’ some furniture that had surfaced from the site. This just in from Deb: I have organised a meeting . The meeting will be on 13th of November  at 15 Main rd. Bakery Hall Ballarat  at 10.00 […]

Oct 28

Friends meet

The Friends of Canadian Corridor (FoCC) recently met to continue to fight to save Canadian State Forest and the blocks near Mount Helen that are currently in issue. The friends have also been working on the Woodman’s Hill Strategy Plan and ensuring the bio-link remains intact. More on the FoCC here. Minutes of a recent […]

Oct 25

Old Orphanage Demolition Order

Wednesday Night Council Meeting Oct 23rd – Vote to approve recommendations of council officer to allow partial demolition of the site. Here is some history about the how we got to this point – Big question here is what’s the rush, there is no plan of what is intended to replace these buildings. On […]

Oct 20

Heritage with heart

If the developer who owns the old Orphanage site gets his way and almost completely demolishes the site, what is left to say ‘we did this and it should never happen again’. How is the developer protecting what is currently left of the site? Not at all would be the answer, trees have been left […]

Oct 19

Public Meeting Agenda Oct 23 2013

Hello Easties, it’s worth noting that this weeks council meeting has a lot of info of interest to Ballarat East. Get along if you can, otherwise at least have a read of all the info: 23 October 2013 Public Agenda (PDF – 2.5MB) 12.1 PLP/2013/119 Demolition of Majority of the Buildings, Structures and Trees at 200, 200A, 200B […]

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Ballarat East Network (BE Net) has been developed by residents to support the community of Ballarat East shape and protect the East by supporting sustainable, good design that reflects our Neighbourhood Character.

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BE Net is about sharing information about happenings in Ballarat East, to support a vision for our past, our personality, with a goal to inform our sustainable and charming future.

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