Jun 8

Kangas in the East

Thanks to eagle-eyed residents for sending in these pics… Kangas seems to be wondering where their homes are going… So close to the city, but still so rural. It’s what we love about the East. How lucky we are to have our wildlife visit, lets protect their habitat, plan our development so we can protect […]

Jun 7

Central Highlands Regional Growth Plan

Dear Sir / Madam The Central Highlands Regional Growth Plan is currently being prepared in a partnership between local government, state agencies and authorities. The  Project  Steering  Committee  is  seeking  feedback  from  a  range of stakeholders to help develop the plan. Email notification letter – Central Highlands Find out more and submit your comments at […]

Jun 7

Eastern Rosellas

We love your wildlife pics, please send your sightings in… this one is from Diane. We quite often get Crimson Rosella’s in the garden in Fussell St but this morning we had the less common Eastern Rosella. As the name indicates, this bird is at home in our part of Australia – Victoria and only […]

Jun 1

619 Wilson

This development application is now on advertising which means we can look at the plans and provide feedback online. App No. PLP/2013/289 Type Subdivision 3 or More Lots Proposed Use or Development Subdivide the land into 23 lots, removal/creation of easements and removal of native vegetation Address of the Land 619 Wilson Street, Ballarat East […]

Jun 1

Forest Pics from Jenny

Thanks so much to local Jenny who sent in these images from the Forest Walk earlier this month. Jeff Rootes from Friends of Canadian Corridor has provided the words about the walk. Huge thanks, this site is only as good as the info and contributions our community makes. Forest walk Last Sunday (May 19th) 40 […]

Jun 1

Have your say…

Our community is only as good as the contribution community members make to the discussion and decisions made for our fine city. And there certainly feels like a lot going on I’ll grant you. Make sure you have your say on all things Ballarat… here’s how: Read the budget here: http://www.ballarat.vic.gov.au/media/1494343/myballaratmay2013budgetlrweb.pdf Have your say about […]

May 19

Walkin’ on Sunshine

And don’t it feel good. What a wonderful turnout for the walk today. I took along my camera and asked people why they were there. I had intended on taking a few pics however I was out of battery, so can those who attended please send in your pics by: email to info@ballarateast.net online via […]

May 16

Forest Walk

The “Forest Walk” is being held 2pm on Sunday May 19th just off Recreation Road Mt Clear (opposite the water tanks near Boundary Road). Click here for more deets. There are four informal forest walks, all highlighting the value of the forest. Longest walk is perhaps 45 minutes. Maps and direction supplied. Sturdy footwear and […]

May 15

Plans are in…

Just a heads up on a large development that has been submitted for 619 Wilson Street. Here are the details so far: App No. PLP/2013/289 Type Subdivision 3 or More Lots Proposed Use or Development Subdivide the land into 23 lots, removal/creation of easements and removal of native vegetation Address of the Land 619 Wilson […]

May 9

Ballarat East Imagine

In the latest edition of My Ballarat is a lot of feedback that has been coming into the city though the Ballarat Imagine campaign. There has been a terrific response and lots of comments about preserving and protecting the character of Ballarat East. In the pic above taken from the mag ‘Ballarat East’ appears in […]

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About BE Net

Ballarat East Network (BE Net) has been developed by residents to support the community of Ballarat East shape and protect the East by supporting sustainable, good design that reflects our Neighbourhood Character.

Subscribing to our blog (see below).

Contributing your issues by email to infoATballarateastDOTnet

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Join the growing list of interested residents and supporters who want to protect the personality of Ballarat East, by reading the posts, commenting and taking your own action.

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For news and information about supporting good design and protecting neighbourhood character for our area.
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BE Net is as good as the information we share. There are no rights and wrongs. We just love to hear from you!

BE Net is about sharing information about happenings in Ballarat East, to support a vision for our past, our personality, with a goal to inform our sustainable and charming future.

Please subscribe above (all welcome), and contribute by email to infoATballarateastDOTnet

Please include your name and email address so that we can talk to you before we post your information.
