Jan 15

Help for Wildlife

Recently in the East we had a documented rescue by BADGAR. After the fires they continue to help wildlife injured and they need your help. “Hi BE Net we am just wondering if you could please put a little ad on the Ballarat East site for us please. We need gauze , cotton buds, cotton […]

Jan 12

Q2. What do we want?

Today in the local paper The Courier, page 21, historian Anne Beggs Sunter told of developments happening around Ballarat, both good and not so good. She wrote about what people are doing to get involved in the process. Ballarat East Network (BE Net) was acknowledged for doing lots of work bringing the community together over […]

Jan 12

Ballarat East Res 1

A lovely block of land in Wilson Street (619) has recently been sold. We ask all the neighbours there to keep an eye on the place. The Real Estate Agent highlighted subdivision and the land being zoned residential 1 ( you can build pretty much about anything) as main selling points. So what does the […]

Jan 6

420 Richards St

Another new development, this time at 420 Richards St. DEVELOPMENT NUMBER: PLP/2012/878 DEVELOPER: Dickson Hearn Pty Ltd SITE: 420 Richards St APPLICATION: Staged five (5) lot subdivision and removal of four (4) native trees Advertising/Submission Period from 17/12/12 to 17/01/13 You can check it out here by: Go to: https://eservices.ballarat.vic.gov.au/ePathway/Production/Web/ Click on: Town Planning Applications Select: Town […]

Jan 5

Welcome Lucy

Welcome to Lucy our newest resident in Ballarat East… She is a strong sentinel looking out over all of her domain, her wild orange dress does not move with the wind, yet her eyes will follow all those who move through her field of vision. ‘Lucy’ by Mark Schaller (2004) is a large wooden chainsaw […]

Jan 4

Q1. Character

Hello Easties and supporters, As we are all aware the planning here is non-existant. And with new regs coming in this year that will affect zoning, its time for us to put up (because we will not shut up)… Here’s how it will work… Each week a post will be put up asking you a […]

Jan 3

More on Cherry Court

The recent BE news photo of Cherry Court (have a look here) was interesting as the real estate agents diagram of Cherry Court is incorrect and fails to show the pedestrian access joining the court bowl with Scentbark Lane at the rear of the court. This pedestrian access was achieved as a result of negotiation […]

Dec 29

Over Development

Here in the East we are getting used to fighting proposals for over-development. Here is the latest proposal, the place as it exists now, and how developers see land use from other proposal that we weren’t able to stop… This image is what currently resides at 307 York Street, the beautiful creek, lovely walk, rural […]

Dec 27

Rodier Wrap Up

Here is a letter from Ron Marshall who lead the fight to save Rodier Street. Dear BE Net, I have received my official notification that Madam Chair Wilson from VCAT has upheld Council’s decision to reject the Revised Development Plan for construction of 19 Units at 23 Rodier St? Thanks very much for alerting me […]

Dec 22

York Street

Here is an objection letter that went in today to council via the online site. It’s not too late, despite the date having past. The council must continue to accept them up until a decision is made – so get cracking, at least have a look at the proposal. Like Rodier St, its over development, […]

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About BE Net

Ballarat East Network (BE Net) has been developed by residents to support the community of Ballarat East shape and protect the East by supporting sustainable, good design that reflects our Neighbourhood Character.

Subscribing to our blog (see below).

Contributing your issues by email to infoATballarateastDOTnet

Sharing what happens in your part of BE, like those yellow sign.

Join the growing list of interested residents and supporters who want to protect the personality of Ballarat East, by reading the posts, commenting and taking your own action.

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For news and information about supporting good design and protecting neighbourhood character for our area.
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Contribute to BE Net

BE Net is as good as the information we share. There are no rights and wrongs. We just love to hear from you!

BE Net is about sharing information about happenings in Ballarat East, to support a vision for our past, our personality, with a goal to inform our sustainable and charming future.

Please subscribe above (all welcome), and contribute by email to infoATballarateastDOTnet

Please include your name and email address so that we can talk to you before we post your information.
