Avenue of Honour
Re-discover the Arthur Kenny Avenue of Honour Friday 9th November at 2.30pm
Re-discover the Arthur Kenny Avenue of Honour Friday 9th November at 2.30pm
Hi BE Net, How’s things in your neck of the woods? Here is info from the SUWP Summit for your interest, click here to download. And wanted to let you know that the date for the Community Forum has changed – from 13 October to Saturday 3 November (afternoon; still at Wendouree Performing Arts Centre). […]
On Sunday, September 30th, 18 of the 22 candidates for the October Ballarat Council elections addressed a 2-hour open meeting to allow members of the Ballarat electorate to learn more about them and to pose questions to them on current issues. The meeting was organized by the Ballarat Residents and Ratepayers’ Association (BRRA), who did […]
The Hearings Notice for 23 Rodier Street has been released: Date: 22nd November 2012 Time: 10am Length of Hearing: 2 Days Place of Hearing: 55 King Street Melbourne If you have received notice that means you are named as one of the parties and you must either appear at the hearing and make your concerns […]
A mediation has been set for the application at 213 Fussell St. While this is the third time for this block being discussed at council we still are hopeful of a resolution. Mediation for: DEVELOPMENT NUMBER: PLP/2012/703 DEVELOPER: T G Clark SITE: 213 Fussell Street Ballarat East APPLICATION: Development of 2 Dwellings and 2 lot […]
Today is due date for objections to 5 Henfield Close… However keep them coming in Monday won’t be a problem, especially if you use online form. I am constantly surprised at peoples grab for money at the expense of the neighbourhood. I propose all developers must live in the development for at least 5 years, […]
The mediation for 809 Wilson Street was held on Thursday 13th September 2012 at 5pm. The most amazing thing about this mediation? The developer didn’t even bother turning up… Yes unbelievable isn’t it. Yep. The developer didn’t bother turning up, nor telling council officers who organised the whole thing, set the date, sent out letters […]
Below is a series of speeches given at the recent Council Meeting where the development plans for the Old Orphanage Site were discussed. These are speeches, are by Deborah Findlay, Phillis Read, Brett Edgington, Erin McCuskey, and Belinda Coates. From Deborah Findlay Forgotten Australian & Ex-resident: “Would like to welcome everybody here this evening and […]
The neighbourhood has had some sad news. On Saturday our neighbour Kevin Birtles passed away. Kevin was one of those instantly likable blokes who you felt like you had known for years. He was a keen traveler and looked forward to his trips to the outback stations in central Australia with his mates. Kevin was […]
It’s on again, yes the same site we have previously objected to twice already… Yes we have been here before, it was part of the overwhelming over development that initiated the beginnings of this group and this website… DEVELOPMENT NUMBER: PLP/2012/703 DEVELOPER: T G Clark SITE: 213 Fussell Street Ballarat East APPLICATION: Development of 2 […]