Sep 8

Caretaker Mode

With the City of Ballarat soon to have elections for Council, the Councillors and indeed the council itself enters what is called ‘Caretaker Mode’ during the election period. The election period is defined as being from the last day of nominations, until the election. Dates for Ballarat will be: Last day of Nominations – Tuesday, […]

Sep 8

Orphanage Site news

More news about the development planning for the old Orphanage site. A video has also been released about the rally and you can find it here: The city is holding a meeting about the site for anyone who is interested, and I suggest that EVERYONE in Ballarat East should be interested in the biggest […]

Sep 6

12A Hickman Street, at White Flat Oval

This just in from residents near White Flat, close to the city, not quite in the East, or is it? The East has not been determined, and it is in the Seat of Ballarat East. Some of you with an interest in the look of our city and suburbs should be interested in this. We […]

Aug 31

Mediation for 809 Wilson St

Got a letter today from the City about Mediation for 809 Wilson St, Ballarat East. It’s not too late to put in an objection if you haven’t already. While the mediation process is not a legal requirement, the council offers it to developers and those who have made a written submission. Its a great process […]

Aug 31

Pryor Park Management Plan

2011 Pryor Park  Management Plan – by Jonathan Robinson This Management Plan was  written as part of the required studies  for the completion of a Diploma of  Ornamental Horticulture.  The area of Pryor Park offered me an exciting chance to  engage in a very interesting and positive  line of research, out of which I  was […]

Aug 23


Good Morning Ballarat East from the resident Kookaburras I heard the beautiful sound of our local kookaburras this morning. Perhaps it is a sign that Spring is just around the corner. The Laughing Kookaburra is native to eastern Australia and breeds in Spring.  They nest in hollow trees with the hollows up to 2 feet […]

Aug 18

Fingers do the walking for Ballarat East

What a wonderful addition to our suite of tools to use to support sustainable development in Ballarat East. Recently the City of Ballarat have made some great additions to the website – you can now contribute to a development online by making an online suggestion or objection… With Wilson Street submissions due Monday, don’t bother […]

Aug 12

A look at Wilson Street

A new development is proposed for Wilson Street in Ballarat East. It’s for a staged subdivision, first stage is for 39 lots, some of these blocks may be subdivided further, however another application would be required. Best way to describe this area is to show you. PLEASE NOTE: Council officers have decided to extend advertising […]

Aug 11

The power of people…

Here is a good news story from the folks in Brown Hill: Good morning BE Net, Please post this so people can see you can change some things… I would like to share with you our success story from the Gracefield Drive Brown Hill development. After we objected to the original subdivision plan we had […]

Aug 11

Due Monday 13th

Suggestions for the proposed development for 809 Wilson Street is due this Monday 13th 2012. Were you planning on writing one? All the info about the development is online at info about the development application – letter from resident about whats important – The City of Ballarat eservices website describes the property […]

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About BE Net

Ballarat East Network (BE Net) has been developed by residents to support the community of Ballarat East shape and protect the East by supporting sustainable, good design that reflects our Neighbourhood Character.

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BE Net is about sharing information about happenings in Ballarat East, to support a vision for our past, our personality, with a goal to inform our sustainable and charming future.

Please subscribe above (all welcome), and contribute by email to infoATballarateastDOTnet

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