Jun 30

Rediscovery of Avenue of Honour in Ballarat East

PLEASE NOTE THIS EVENT HAS BEEN POSTPONED… WE’LL LET YOU KNOW WHEN WE KNOW… Rediscovery of the Arthur Kenny Avenue of Honour.   At 2.30pm on Friday August 3rd 2012 there will be an official ceremony at Fussell St, Mt Xavier. Followed by Afternoon tea at the Mt Xavier Golf Club. Warm clothes recommended for […]

Jun 11

Beware of Unused Road Reserves

“Four years ago we bought our property that adjoins an unused road reserve that is incorporated into our property as a driveway and had been improved by the previous owner.  This road reserve was “licenced” to the previous owner from D.S.E. and we had to transfer the “licence” to us as part of the property […]

Jun 8

Ballarat East Council Report

BE NET was alerted to this report by Eric Braslis – Director of Growth & Development City of Ballarat. Unfortunately we are incorrectly referred to as BEN (Sorry BEN – Ballarat Environment Network), our acronym is BE Net. Small fish really though in terms of the report. The report is to be presented to the […]

Jun 2

Dear Mr Crouch

It is with a heavy heart that we report the passing of Neil Crouch. We send our sympathy and wishes to his dear wife Una Crouch who together with Neil were early settlers of ‘Fussell Street Hill’ and owned much of it. Una remembers when Fussell St was a dirt track that wound around tall […]

May 18

Mediation Report for Reid St

From resident Louise: Informal Mediation for the Reid St development was held last night with 4 residents in attendance (2 apologies) and the applicant and draftsman. Residents were given the opportunity to voice their concerns which included issues around increases to neighbourhood noise, traffic, parking congestion and lack of infrastructure to support such developments (no […]

May 17

Ryan Street Brown Hill

We went to investigate this application after being alerted by residents… Kaye said: “Hi Ballarat East Network. New Yellow Peril spotted in Ryan St (old melb rd end) also of interest a large allotment has been purchased in same street almost opposite yellow peril, of great worry is the fact that the large allotment which […]

May 11

New Yellow Sign

Hello dear Easties, first sighted today was the following yellow sign in Fussell Street. PLEASE NOTE DUE DATE IS 17th May (this Thursday) No details yet just notice, awareness and vigilance, make sure you check it out at the council for your own peace-of-mind. Details are: DEVELOPMENT NUMBER: PLP/2011/931 DEVELOPER: Robert Hall & Assocs. SITE: […]

May 11

Fifteen Trees has planted…

At our Community Meeting this year we had to print some stuff on paper, we used a few envelopes and had to use disposable cups for our tea… we felt pretty badly about that part of it, so we thought 15Trees. We were and continue to be very grateful that local company 15 Trees supported […]

May 11


Sounds so fabulous doesn’t it… but its not… Moonscaping is the name given to the usual illegal practice of cutting down trees, or razing buildings in the dead of night, or at the beginnings of public holidays, or just before the weekend starts. Generally a time when residents minds thoughts and actions are based around […]

May 8

6 Reid St Brown Hill Mediation

A mediation meeting to discuss the 6 Reid St Brown Hill application is scheduled for 17th May 2012 at 5:30pm. Committee Room 1, Ballarat Town Hall. The application is for a permit to subdivide 6 Reid St into 7 lots and construct 6 additional dwellings (units). Residents have expressed concerns about increased traffic, parking congestion, […]

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About BE Net

Ballarat East Network (BE Net) has been developed by residents to support the community of Ballarat East shape and protect the East by supporting sustainable, good design that reflects our Neighbourhood Character.

Subscribing to our blog (see below).

Contributing your issues by email to infoATballarateastDOTnet

Sharing what happens in your part of BE, like those yellow sign.

Join the growing list of interested residents and supporters who want to protect the personality of Ballarat East, by reading the posts, commenting and taking your own action.

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For news and information about supporting good design and protecting neighbourhood character for our area.
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Contribute to BE Net

BE Net is as good as the information we share. There are no rights and wrongs. We just love to hear from you!

BE Net is about sharing information about happenings in Ballarat East, to support a vision for our past, our personality, with a goal to inform our sustainable and charming future.

Please subscribe above (all welcome), and contribute by email to infoATballarateastDOTnet

Please include your name and email address so that we can talk to you before we post your information.
