Jan 16

A Short Response

A Short Response

BE Net response to Ballarat Strategy Prepared by Erin McCuskey With Focus on Ballarat East Introduction: There are some really fabulous elements to the strategy, and the desire for a 10min city; accessible city; green city. We applaud the work being done to support and enhance our natural environments and linkages to the city, and […]

Dec 26

Demolition by Neglect

Demolition by Neglect

All around our beautiful heritage green eclectic area you will find the processes of demolition by neglect. The old butcher shop in Eureka St. Such a lovely piece of Ballarat East history and heritage. Street weeds and graffitti have added to the loosening tiles and peeling paint. This small miners cottage has been slowly falling […]

Dec 21

Happy Happy Happy

Happy Happy Happy

Dear Easties and supporters, This post marks the 5th year of Ballarat East Network, and our 4th year of this website, with multiple posts every week, and a regular enews email out every weekend (almost). Just WOW. We have 200+ subscribers, approaching our 350th post, over 27,000 comments and such a bright future for this […]

Dec 21

Telstra Pole Decision #2

Telstra Pole Decision #2

You’ll remember that the decision about the Telecommunications Pole for Eureka Street was slated for the last Council Meeting. Read all about it here: http://ballarateast.online/telstra-pole-decision/ And you can read about the background on this proposed development here: http://ballarateast.online/topics/dev/telstra-tower-eureka-st/ The Courier reported on the story here: http://www.thecourier.com.au/story/2754571/ballarat-east-residents-concerned-over-telecommunications-tower-proposal/ When time came to discuss the decision three Councillors […]

Dec 6

Telstra Pole Decision

Telstra Pole Decision

Hello everyone, the decision about the Telstra Pole tower thingie has been called into this week Council Meeting. Wednesday 10th December 2014 7pm – agenda here: http://www.ballarat.vic.gov.au/ac/council-meetings-agendas/council-agenda-minutes-2014.aspx Here is the information about the proposal for the meeting: http://www.ballarat.vic.gov.au/media/2887208/12.1.pdf Local residents of Eureka Street have been doing a mighty job talking with council officers, Councillors and […]

Nov 28

Eureka 160

Eureka 160

This year marks 160 years since the extraordinary events at Eureka etched a unique place in our nation’s history. As the home of Eureka, Ballarat East has a variety of events, exhibitions, competitions and performances on offer. Supported by the State Government of Victoria and the City of Ballarat to commemorate this milestone events include […]

Nov 28

Where is the East you say?

Are you living in Ballarat East but voting in Buninyong? Maybe you are even in Wendouree? I can hear your shouts of dismay… WHAT HAPPENED TO BALLARAT EAST? Where is our name? What happened? Over time the name Ballarat East has become less and less visible. Once Ballarat East was everything east of the Yarrowee. […]

Nov 27

What does ‘surrender’ really mean, in a legal sense?

Here is a letter from a local resident to the City about the Pennyweight Park issue. Dear Council Officer, I am a resident of Ballarat East and have some questions about the City of Ballarat’s letter about surrendering a portion of Pennyweight Park, dated 6 November 2014. I often walk through this parkland and enjoy the open space, […]

Nov 24

Preliminary Ballarat Strategy

Our city and our suburb, needs your help: Read it Comment on it Feedback invited on concepts for Ballarat’s long-term future The Preliminary Ballarat Strategy has been released for public comment. This report outlines for the first time the key concepts proposed to underpin land use decision-making in Ballarat over the next 30 years. It […]

Nov 17

Pennyweight Park Surrender?

Here is a letter some residents in York Street received. It involves the ‘surrender’ of some of Pennyweight Park. we are not sure how far the ‘consultation’ has got however we are thankful to our eagle eyed residents keeping an eye on everything happening in Ballarat East. Sometimes it feels like way too much! We […]

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About BE Net

Ballarat East Network (BE Net) has been developed by residents to support the community of Ballarat East shape and protect the East by supporting sustainable, good design that reflects our Neighbourhood Character.

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BE Net is as good as the information we share. There are no rights and wrongs. We just love to hear from you!

BE Net is about sharing information about happenings in Ballarat East, to support a vision for our past, our personality, with a goal to inform our sustainable and charming future.

Please subscribe above (all welcome), and contribute by email to infoATballarateastDOTnet

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