Nov 1

Telstra Pole Update

Here is an update from people working to change the location of the Telstra Monopole planned for Eureka Street. It’s worth saying that a pole could become a tower. It’s worth saying its not to late to have an input into the outcome. This increased usage is due no doubt to the level of over […]

Oct 19

Is there a Doctor in the East?

Yes indeed there is, and he goes by the name of Dr Blake, the fabulous tele show shot here in Ballarat. Check it out here:

Oct 18

Another win at VCAT

This from our correspondent within the Orphanage site team… The Historic and social significant site is heritage with Heart! Victorian Civil & Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) today (17 October 2014) Direction Hearing A small group of former residents made their way to Melbourne to attend the VCAT  meeting, also the council defense and developers lawyers were […]

Oct 18

Path to Nowhere

With so much development going on, its impacts are being felt in our streets, neighbourhoods and skies… Yes I said skies. Have you noticed that new developments (in already settled areas) are adding footpaths, lights and no trees? Residents in Fussell Street have reported new street lighting, and council officers have confirmed that a new […]

Oct 18

A morning walk with Kookaburras

Loving the East’s wildlife? Send us your pics! These are from Erin McCuskey.    

Oct 17

Mediation for Telstra Tower in Eureka Street

The telecommunications tower, or monopole, proposed for Eureka Street has received 29 objections. Council is providing a mediation session with the developers to discuss the issue. Tuesday 21st October 5.15pm at the Ballarat Town Hall RSVP: or 5320 5827 You can still make a submission on this issue.  

Oct 9

VCAT Directions Hearing for old Orphanage site

This just in from the folks fighting demolition of the old Orphanage site in Victoria St. You can read all the background here: “Good morning BE Net I have attached the VCAT notice for 200, 200A, 200B Victoria Street Ballarat East .   The Ballarat Council, Former Residents and other parties are heading back […]

Sep 30


Recently the council approved the proposed development at 628 Wilson Street. HOWEVER with 23 conditions plus notes. Is it just me or if a proposed development needs THAT many conditions to comply with MINIMUM standards we are looking at a bad development? The community will be keeping a close eye on this one with the […]

Sep 29

Telstra Tower

The yellow sign is up. Thanks to our local eagle eyes! Here are the details: APP NUMBER: PLP/2014/594 ADDRESS:  328 Eureka Street Ballarat East FOR: Construction of a telecommunications facility SUBMISSIONS DUE: 7/10/2014 LINK TO eSERVICES: And here is how to use eServices: You have time to get a submission in about this. […]

Sep 29

Koala Sightings

Thanks to the Cody family over at our facebook page for these great pics… Koala sightings (details and photos) can be added to the Australian Koala Foundation (AKF) map at

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Ballarat East Network (BE Net) has been developed by residents to support the community of Ballarat East shape and protect the East by supporting sustainable, good design that reflects our Neighbourhood Character.

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BE Net is about sharing information about happenings in Ballarat East, to support a vision for our past, our personality, with a goal to inform our sustainable and charming future.

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