Sep 21

A Park is what we need…

This just in from the fabulous Friends of Canadian Corridor. Sunday September 21st People from across Ballarat and district met in the Canadian Forest in Mount Clear on Saturday morning to participate in the Friends of Canadian Corridor launch of the proposal for a Canadian Multi Use Forest Park on 619 hectares of forest and […]

Sep 20

Fabulous Launch

Earlier today a fabulous launch was held by Friends of Canadian Corridor to support the development of the forest as a state park to both protect and share this fabulous place we have that starts here in Ballarat East. More background here: Thanks to Martin Hale who was on hand to witness and has shared his […]

Sep 19

Zoning Response

We really need a map to understand this one! And Ballarat East doesn’t even rate as an issue, remains named Canadian, or unnamed. Is it just us or does no one in power give any kind of care for Ballarat East? Minister Guys Reposnse Standing Advisory Report Ballarat UPDATE: We caught up with Cr Peter […]

Sep 19

ALP announce State Park

Today on the corner of York and Long Streets in beautiful Ballarat East, the state Labor Party announced plans that, if elected, they will declare Canadian State Forest a State Park as a way to protect it into the future. Along with the announcement came two million dollars to do the work needed to repair […]

Sep 19

York Street Tree

You remember this one? The street tree that was damaged by developers? Back story here: and here: A call from council to update our reporting of this. Council investigated, sent a council arborist to tend to the tree. It appears the person who damaged the tree said it was accidental and was a […]

Sep 11

Walkability Conference

The City of Balalrat, Community Engagement are hosting an exciting Walkability Conference  ‘Improving walkability: one step at a time’ Thursday 16th October at M.A D.E from 12.30-4.30pm. We have been fortunate in securing renowned Keynote Speakers Dr Ben Rossiter, Executive Officer Victoria Walks; and Dr Jan Garrard, Deakin, School of Health and Social Development, Deakin […]

Sep 11

People For Pryor Park news #42

Dates for Your Diary Sunday 21th September Working Bee Pryor Park, 10.00am to 12.00pm Meet at the Notice board, bring gloves and thoughts on paths through the park. We will have a look at the path from the noticeboard to the golf course that works well and how we can make best use of the […]

Sep 8

Launch of the “Canadian Multi Use Forest Park”

Dear  friend, It is time for the public launch of the “Canadian Multi Use Forest Park” proposal. Forest Park launch: Saturday September 20th 11am for 11.15 am start @ Earth Ed Centre, Olympic Ave, Mt Clear. Guided walks and BYO BBQ picnic to follow. This launch will put the proposal for the establishment of  a […]

Sep 8

Lake Esmond Consult

The City of Ballarat will soon be replacing the existing play equipment and would like your thoughts and feedback in relation to the proposed design and any other comments about Lake Esmond. When 12 -2pm Saturday 13 September Where BBQ area at Lake Esmond What Free BBQ and an opportunity to talk to Council staff […]

Sep 8

Mediation for 809 Wilson

Mediation on this proposed development for 809 Wilson Street. Tuesday 5pm at the Town Hall. It’s not too late to put in an objection, it’s not too late to say you will be in attendance.  

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Ballarat East Network (BE Net) has been developed by residents to support the community of Ballarat East shape and protect the East by supporting sustainable, good design that reflects our Neighbourhood Character.

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BE Net is about sharing information about happenings in Ballarat East, to support a vision for our past, our personality, with a goal to inform our sustainable and charming future.

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