Sep 11

People For Pryor Park news #42


Dates for Your Diary

Sunday 21th September

Working Bee Pryor Park, 10.00am to 12.00pm
Meet at the Notice board, bring gloves and thoughts on paths through the park.

We will have a look at the path from the noticeboard to the golf course that works well and how we can make best use of the park by adding one or more pathways. We will walk these paths and do a little clearing and picking up rubbish.


Sunday 26th October

Working Bee Pryor Park, 10.00am to 12.00pm.
Meet at the Noticeboard, bring gloves. Focusing on pre bush fire season clean up.

We will be burning the pile near the wildflower area and clearing the dead fallen wattles parallel to Eureka Street and putting them in piles on the nature strip.


We now have a new noticeboard, thanks to the City of Ballarat. The old one very nearly fell over, it was very rotten.

The City of Ballarat met with the Mt Xavier Golf Club last week to talk about the Lease as the old one has expired and we hope they will come to a better agreement for mowing etc.

The wildflowers are out early this year, the tall rice flower I photographed on the park at the weekend. We have also had a lot of yellow tailed black cockatoos taking advantage of the banksias on the park.

I hope we will see some of the new residents at the working bees, I will include a brief history of the park for your interest.


Yellow tailed black cockatoos flying over Pryor Park


Wildflowers along the path behind the notice board. Purple coral pea or Hardenbergia.


The beautiful tall rice flowers, seen from the path.

For enquires please call John or Maggie on 53323234

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