May 15

Plans are in…

Just a heads up on a large development that has been submitted for 619 Wilson Street.

Here are the details so far:

App No.
Subdivision 3 or More Lots
Proposed Use or Development Subdivide the land into 23 lots, removal/creation of easements and removal of native vegetation
Address of the Land 619 Wilson Street, Ballarat East Vic 3350

While the plans have been submitted the application is not yet on the advertising list, so no access to actual plans just yet.

I need to declare a conflict of interest, it’s Erin here. It is my brothers company who is developing this property. I still intend to ensure that our community is across the details.

This developer has submitted three options to council and council has suggested that they pursue the least dense option.


  1. ingrid says:

    Watch out because things can change from not so high density to higher density.

    In Geelong there are similar sub-divisions and developments to Ballarat on vacant land (old paddocks).

    For eg: When the individual lots were first sold, they were all approved for single dwellings, mostly 3 bedroom houses (with very small yard).

    Now, 2 years later, a number of different Lot owners are applying for their single dwelling Lot to be subdivided into 2 smaller Lots. And getting approved.

    • Diane says:

      Wouldn’t it be good if a plan really was a plan! There is no big picture planning in Ballarat East. It is all at the whim of the developer.

  2. Diane says:

    I had a look at this plan and it looks very reasonable. I am not against development in the East. I see that Lot 14 is marked for possible duplex development – that’s fine too as long as we don’t see too many more of the blocks turned into duplex blocks or smaller! As it is, I think this plan is good.

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